Joda Knife & Tool Works

Joda Knife & Tool Works Joda Knife & Tool Works custom makes leather stamping tools, knives, and we do some gunsmithing! we


So I’m closer,lol. Every day there is something new. Re-sided the garage, re- sheet rocked a hallway, fixing a water leak do to a nail from my nail gun while laying baseboard, replacing the cooler and plenum, broke out concrete on the patio and laid bricks in its place, re-caulking the showers, replacing bath fixtures, installed new kit cabinets , trimmed cabinets, painted kitchen, painted outside of house, rehung rain gutters, hauled of many loads of refuse, de rocked the back half.

Moving? Well made 11 10x10x24 inch plywood boxes 5 to go. for moving shop tools steel etc. now to make 5 heavy duty skids for pantographs, milling machines, and punch press.

Divorce? Well that is just a sucky deal all around. Fortunately I can say I stand with my Lord concerning, fairness, equal distribution of our assets. I stand with God, forgive, be charitable, pray for my soon to be Ex- wife. Aaaaand look forward to living at peace. Meanwhile soon as I get the house squared away( seems I’m doing all the work and bearing the costs) I hope to get some stamps done, knife and buckles engraved, get cought up on various stamps, and get all my shop equipment palletized, crated and boxed for the trip to Wyoming.

Hopefully in a couple months I’ll be moved to Wyoming before the cold comes, coal stoves installed and cord wood stacked. Then my first order of business is to get my handle machine made and my round knives up for sale. Yes Scott makes a good knife , no doubt but I will have the old time gomph, St. Luis, and Osborn handled knives available.
Prairie roses and the other old time flowers in production as well as many requested stamps being reproduced.

We will be opening our boot repair shop and God willing my son in law takes to the craft as well as a saddle shop and classroom area for some great saddle makers and toolers ( God willing) to hold hands on classes. My plan is to offer great instruction in an environment where you can get great learning, as well as use the stamps I make.

Big plans for a new day with the help of my daughter and son in law.

God said in the scriptures that he knows the plans he has for us and they are to do us good and not harm. That the Lord be glorified in all we do!
Well hands to work heart to God!

Better updates to follow.

Now to get out of Arizona and back home to Wyoming before hunting season.


So we are a lot closer. House is almost ready to put on the market. Praise Zoe I have some help coming. So Lord willing I’ll be moving my shop to Wyoming. I may well be able to get some prairie roses and other stamps out here shortly. Life just doesn’t go like we think often but I’m looking forward to going back north. All works out I’ll have my boot and saddle shop both set up and some help to run them. I’m planning on opening up for boot repairs, have the saddle shop up and classroom space. The plan is to get some different folks up there to put on some classes. Other than that the tool and machine shop will be complimented with the Forge.



Excerpt from “The Truth the Way I Remember It”
Bob Marrs Stockman’s Saddle Shop, Amarillo, Texas, BR549
First let’s get this part straight. I always get stuck at the Mars part or is it Marrs. I never could get Bob straight from the other Bob since there were two. I only worked for one but sure nuff he was the best. I lament at his passing as he and Betty are truly one of the largest pieces of my life. They took me in as a son. Couldn’t take me in all the way since I wasn’t Texan but my Momma was, at this I was given a pass. Just a fact. Texans consider you a Texan or something else. Something else’s always given a sideways stare, check in a glare, never quite meeting their criteria for human hood. I would see this at the end of my enlistment there at Bobs and again when years later I would drive an Air Ambulance out of Bridgeport, TX.
Bob’s shop. Hmm. I loved that place. It was an old building across from the Amarillo Stock Yards. Aromas of years, dust, manure, cows, Herman Oak saddle leather; just hard to describe but to say that it was a Texas Panhandle saddle shop. I vaguely remember the front of the shop as the only time I was in the front was to unlock the door, hang freshly made strap goods on hooks or to put a “just finished repair saddle on a saddle horse”. No Siree we came through he back. Typical of old Texas shops and buildings you walk past an old rusty and encrusted swamp cooler, open the wooden screen door held closed by a good old strong spring. Love those things as they always give a good loud “bang” when you let em rip. Open the door into heaven. That is how I feel about those old places. They have character and history. Cement floor, old siding on the walls. Walls covered in tools, pictures of makers favorite saddles, family, dogs and of course cowboy art.
Now cowboy art can come in many varieties. Maybe an old magazine clipping from 1942 showing a cowboy, horse, Wi******er and bear or a pencil drawing done by some saddle maker from years past. There is cowboy art shows up in horseshoe boot jacks, belts, coffee cup coasters or as in one case “ Ghost Riders in The Sky” as painted by Bob himself. Man there was a plethora of cowboy art that just made a young man’s heart long for the “Good Old Days”. This place was legendary and I was just fortunate enough to be part of its history. Maybee the tail end of history but part of it none the less. Wiping off the dust from an old photo take by Condenast Magazine with a box camera I was remembering the shop. The smells , the sights, the creaking of a windblown old building! Everything Texas. There were horn holes pasted to the ceiling. Hundreds of them from every saddle maker to ever work there. It was tradition that once you punched the horn hole out of the fork cover to write your name on it, date it, smear a good dab of wheat paste on the back and throw it up onto the ceiling. Eddy Collie. I saw many of his, Elbert Foster, and now mine amoung many others. Funny what we remember but as I take you throught the shop past the two benches on the side, past the water tank for soaking seats and part, past the “Dentist’s bench “ where repairs were done, through a doorway into the “cutout room”. Don’t stop there we are going to the coolest, mother of all, most inspiring room in the shop. Some call it the “Head” as in my case, lavatory for easterners, bathroom, restroom, S—tter, crapper, throne room or as I used to refer to it often, The Prayer Closet.
Around a corner, through the door, at last. The porcelain throne. Stained by Texas Panhandle water just like the sink. Yep you sit down to pray, console yourself over a ruined piece of leather, yep! Just screwed up the only good piece 8-9 ounce and it was one side of a pair of spur leathers. You think of where you can get a piece to match without cutting into a new hide. Don’t want Bob to see it. Then you consider the storm at home you left earlier in the day, maybe lunch at the pizza boutique. Man, this was the place. Not about stinky’s or bad food the night before but the walls. The walls were covered with cowboy humor, not so wise wisdom, drawings of horses, cowboys, drawings of guns. Some were remarkably devoid of any intelligence at all and simply left their name saying they had sat in Bob’s crapper. The thing that made this place so special is that there was really good art on the wall. Like the nose art of a World War two bomber and pinup girl. These art pieces were done by men, real men, men that had a history and past themselves. Humor or wisdom or just cowboy logic. If I could have had any one thing out of that shop before it burned down would be the crapper, the john, the Sh—tter, the throne room , my prayer closet. Boy did I do some praying in that place. I prayed over finances, saddles, daughters, for Mom and Dad, I prayed for this nation, I prayed for my future. Yessiree! Daily I took Jesus, Mathew, Mark Luke and John into the Holy of Holies. God met me there. Of course he was always with me but many times I will now admit that I went there to see the art, chuckle and then meet God. Solace, peace quiet were all to be found in that tiny little room where truth be told I cried! I cried many times over my divorce, fighting over my daughters, tuff times. Yep! There were many times I simply said “ Thank you God” for giving me this job, and letting me sit in this wonderful crapper.

SHERIDAN LEATHER SHOW!I am not there do to planning a move to Wyoming.I sure miss seeing all you good folks. Sure leaves...


I am not there do to planning a move to Wyoming.
I sure miss seeing all you good folks. Sure leaves a hole in my life not being there but good things to come.
Y’all take care! I am working up some prairie roses and should have 12 or so soon before I box machinery up in the coming two months.


Well I haven’t posted much of anything lately!
Did real well at Prescott. Sold some new borders, lots of my bevelers (steep), sold all the 3/4 Prairie Roses I had.
Got back to town and dove headlong into cleaning up a 1939 Kearney Trecker horizontal mill. Boy what a big deal. 1 mill 1 Italian milling machine head, and a universal milling head that required a complete tear down and rebuild. That old grease on a 1932 made accessory was hard as cement. That said I made the first test run on swivel knife blades. Spectacular results is all I can say. Want a blade exactly 52 thousandths thick? Easy peasy. Took me pert near a month to get her cleaned up, fresh oil and grease.
Lonnie at Hackbarth Tools has the same setup now. Anyway it was essential we both added these things into the lineup.

I have many requests for Prairie Roses and am setting up to get a run done. Thank you for the patience!

That said just life itself can be our greatest challenge at times. When life changes course it seems you just tackle it one box at a time.
My father is elderly and doing well but at 94 in one month I simply must move closer to him to give him care he once gave me. So the challenges I face seem astronomical in some ways BUT GOD. God promised us that he has plans to do us good and not harm. I trust God fully and completely to do what I am powerless to do.
So! I plan to move my shop to Wyoming in the next couple months. That said I have a truck load of machinery to get on pallets, into boxes and prepped for shipping. I have a machine shop, saddle shop, boot making shop, and regular lifestyle stuf like hunting stuff,lol!
I know that my redeemer lives and lives in me so we will see his miraculous hand of intervention orchestrate this massive undertaking.

Pack up
Sell house ( need a good price)
Find a place to move the stuff to.
And close things down here.

Your prayers and agreement are coveted I assure you.

Whenever I get into a tight spot I have never ever seen God do nothing but the miraculous!

Thank you!

Here is a video showing what you already know. I never knew anyone good to go to atf

Here is a video showing what you already know. I never knew anyone good to go to atf

asked, and we're delivering. We are proud to present to you, for the first time online: Breaking The Law In The Name Of The Law: The BATF ...


So folks been dealing with family upheaval!
Hopefully I can get on those orders pronto. Family stuff just doesn’t let up and pressures seem steady. We will overcome.
My hope is to have those concho dies and prairie roses in a month. Sorry about the delays.


So my page is not for sale. If one thinks they can sell it , we’ll I’m retired and have plenty of time for a hunting trip, know folks who hack, etc.

Working up a new border . F. O Baird had it on some of his saddles. Lord has it that he would not allow anyone to see th...

Working up a new border . F. O Baird had it on some of his saddles. Lord has it that he would not allow anyone to see the stamp. Well it has features I’m working to figure out. Purty much a hand carved stamp. I don’t have it quite figured out. Cut , grind, try and start over. That is the process till it’s figured out.

Revisiting the  #401. What a nice stamp..200 inch wide. Maybe make one smaller!

Revisiting the #401. What a nice stamp..200 inch wide. Maybe make one smaller!

So been a minute since I posted. Been busy making dies , tooling, stamps, then THE MAIL LINE AT THE POST OFFICE.So one m...

So been a minute since I posted. Been busy making dies , tooling, stamps, then THE MAIL LINE AT THE POST OFFICE.
So one method didn’t work . Got a tool riveted into the tool holder.
Made another tool steel die split so I can remove the tool.
Then finished a humongous collar to hel hold the top of the two halves together for machining or pressing.
Next ,,,,.. turn tool blanks out of 1” diameter steel pins.

Stay tuned . Hopefully success is in the mail this week.


Fort Huachuca, AZ

Opening Hours

Monday 9am - 5pm
Tuesday 9am - 5pm
Wednesday 9am - 5pm
Friday 9am - 5pm
Saturday 9am - 5pm


(307) 899-7117


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