Nebraska Life Magazine
Nebraskans know that we live in a very special place. Nowhere else on earth is there such a rich mix of people, events, landscapes, natural wonders, history and food. You could spend a lifetime traveling the state and never see it all, but you can experience the very best of what makes Nebraska βthe good lifeβ through the pages of Nebraska Life. This keepsake magazine makes a great gift for friends and family living near and far, and gift subscriptions include a free gift card sent to your loved ones letting them know about your generous gift.
What Miss USA loves about Nebraska
Sarah Rose Summers, Miss USA 2018, describes what she loves most about Nebraska. #nebraskalifevideos #nebraskalife #nebraskalifemagazine #sarpycountynebraska #madisoncountynebraska #missusa #missuniverse #blackcowfatpig
Fountain dedication at the Capitol.
Crowd reaction at the end of the eclipse totality at Carhenge in Alliance, Nebraska captured by photo editor Joshua Hardin #nebraskalife #eclipse
Downtown Alliance celebrated the eve of the Great American Eclipse with food and live music like The Outer Vibe at "Bands on the Bricks." Stay tuned to Nebraska Life for more coverage of today's big event.
Nebraska Life staff photographer AJ Dahm rode along with Nebraska Game and Parks employees recently as they captured trumpeter swans. The team tagged, took DNA samples and put tracking devices on the protected birds for research. This particular pair of swans was located on the Phillips Ranch near the Cottonwood-Steverson Lake Wildlife Management Area.
Clouds dancing across the Nebraska Sandhills near Oshkosh. Vid...
Nebraska Life Magazine at Verges Cave in Norfolk
Thanks, folks, for joining us yesterday at the Verges Cave at Elkhorn Valley Museum. For those of you who couldn't make it, please check it out sometime. For now, here's a brief video tour. #nebraskalifemagazine #norfolknebraska #elkhornvalleymuseum
Truckin' Through Nebraska in Neligh
Students from Verdigre Public Schools were the first to field trip their way to Neligh today to experience the Truckin' Through Nebraska Mobile Children's Museum. An educational and fun time was had by all. #nebraskalifemagazine #nelighnebraska #NE150 #omahachildrensmuseum
Nebraska Life Magazine's Official Statehood Party! Introduction by Publisher Christopher Amundson. The state song "Beautiful Nebraska" played by Ethan Carlson and Thomas Wisnieski from Norfolk High School. A few words from Norfolk Mayor Josh Moening, and we blow out the candles on the "world's largest" Nebraska-shaped birthday cake. Enjoy! Happy Birthday, Nebraska.
We're live at Nebraska Life Magazine's Official Statehood Party!