AIA Colorado Practice + Design Conference Slideshow
AIA Colorado asked me to be part of their 2020 Practice + Design Conference. The totally virtual conference featured keynote speakers, breakout sessions, and a discussion panel each day. I think their conference was a fantastic example of how to effectively use custom and live visuals.
This slideshow features the summary images I created for the keynote speakers and their discussion panels. The keynote images were prepared ahead of time, and the discussion panel images were created live.
AIA Colorado used these images in a variety of ways:
- The summary of the keynote speeches was displayed on screen as participants gathered for the afternoon discussion panel each day. This served as a refresher of what had been covered that morning.
- During the discussion panel, the conference participants were able to get a look at the graphic as it came together in real time. Once the panel was finished, the completed image was shared on screen for the audience.
- Each evening, the organizers sent a summary email to the participants which included the graphics for the day. The images served both as a reminder for those who had attended, and as a sneak peek for those who would opt to watch recordings in the future.
- The images were posted on the conference website with content from the speakers. A timelapse video of the keynote image coming together was also posted there.
- Social Media was another great place to use the images. AIA Colorado posted the timelapse drawing videos on their Instagram page each day.
So many great uses! Thanks for having me on your team, AIA Colorado!