Updates for the Village at Gateway!
The City of Forney has recently approved economic incentive agreements with 3MEBS/StreetLevel Investments for the Villages at Gateway project. The Villages at Gateway, which will be located near North Gateway Boulevard and U.S. Highway 80, will be a regional hub for retail, services, and dining, catering to both Forney residents and beyond. This development will feature major retailers, including Target, HEB, and Home Depot. In addition to these major brands, the Villages at Gateway will include convenience retail, fast casual, sit-down restaurants, and more.
"We are pleased to welcome these premier retailers to our city. I'd like to express my thanks to all current and previous council members, community board members, and city staff who worked to make this project possible," said Mayor Jason Roberson.
In the upcoming meeting on July 16th, the Forney City Council will discuss and consider a resolution to grant consent for the creation of Forney Municipal Management District No. 1 in Kaufman County. This district, encompassing approximately 150 acres north of Highway 80 on both sides of Gateway Blvd, will support the development of the Villages at Gateway. As part of the development strategy, a Municipal Management District will be established to generate additional tax revenue, which will assist in covering the development costs. The creation of this district does not impose any additional tax burden on Forney residents, as it will be funded solely by the additional tax revenue generated from the development.
The city anticipates sharing more information and updates as this development progresses. To view the unofficial exhibits for Villages at Gateway, visit https://www.forneytx.gov/CivicAlerts.aspx?AID=715