Quantum Therapy

Quantum Therapy A different approach to counseling. Why is Addressing negative core belief systems or negative self thought so important in therapy?

A professional counselor works with you by applying energy healing techniques, guidance from spirit, along with traditional counseling methods to address embedded negative belief systems and thoughts. Whether the belief is true or not, it makes things real to us. Core beliefs are the framework that influences us on a subconscious level. They have a powerful influence without being in our awareness

. Core beliefs were developed early on in our lives and shapes our life’s experience. What you believe is a crucial aspect as to what manifests into your physical universe, your reality. How do my thoughts affect my mental health? The human body was designed to ‘register’ each person's thoughts in every cell. The thoughts that a person produces from any given life experience are retained in the body and become part of your ‘cellular memory’. When you are experiencing an emotionally charged event or traumatic experience your bodies cells are especially receptive. The cellular memory recordings accumulate over time and influence our future actions and reactions.


3535 Firewheel Drive , Suite 115
Flower Mound, TX


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