New video going up on the Weekend Warrior Creative Labs YouTube tomorrow (Fri 9-9-2022) at 1:00pm est. Kevin does a real test of his new Charvel and we both react. Link in bio. #charvelpromod #charvelpromodsocal #scuffhamamps #scuffhamsgear #weekendwarriorcreativelab
New YT vid going live tomorrow Friday June 24. Special Guest @theejstephens helps us compare and contrast 2 killer amps- the Two Rock Classic Reverb Signature and the Fuchs Tripledrive Supreme 50. Check it out! Link in bio. Premiere is 1:00pm tomorrow.
#tworock #tworockclassicreverbsignature #fuchsamps #fuchstripledrivesupreme #fenderamericanvintage62 #fenderamericanvintage59 #fenderstratocaster #gibsonlespaulstandard #gibsonlespaulstandard60s #strymon #strymondeco #strymontimeline
Wet Dry 2 amp setup with a 1979 Marshall JMP 2204 and 1968 Fender Super Reverb and Gibson Explorer. Pedals used - Seymour Duncan Pickup Booster, Mooer ELady Flanger, TC Electronic Alter Ego X4, Strymon Blue Sky Reverb. We have gotten requests to show a simpler setup, and here it is!! #marshall #marshall2204 #marshalljmp #fendersuperreverb #gibsonexplorer #strymon #tcelectronic #mooereffects #seymourduncan #wetdry #guitaramp #guitareffects #fryette
Our latest video trailer. Full vid on YouTube