Children's Technology Review

Children's Technology Review Subscription based review service for children's interactive products.

Four free sessions, for those who can't attend in person Yes .. you can join us at Asilomar this weekend! I've heard from many former Dust or Magic attendees who are unable to attend our meeting this

Dear Children’s Media Publisher —I’ll be hosting a 90 minute virtual meeting of children’s digital publishers tomorrow (...

Dear Children’s Media Publisher —

I’ll be hosting a 90 minute virtual meeting of children’s digital publishers tomorrow (Sunday, 7 November) on Zoom at 2 PM New York (19:00 Bologna time).
This is the virtual replacement for our annual USA fall meeting and it will attract experts from all over the world.

There is no cost to attend, but you must register in advance for this meeting:

After registering, you will receive a confirmation email containing information about joining the meeting.

You are welcome to share your latest research, demo a product, or discuss trends from your point of view. The meeting will be in English; media students are welcome.

Presentation slides
About Dust or Magic

Hope to see you tomorrow!
All best,
W. Buckleitner

Welcome! You are invited to join a meeting: Dust or Magic 21 Remote. After registering, you will receive a confirmation email about joining the meeting.


Here are Ten Apps That Can Turn Your iPad into a Personalized Summer Math Tutor


“Dare mighty things.” The message coded in binary on a parachute by Ian Clark — a NASA Perseverance engineer.

The easter egg style message printed in binary code on the Perseverance parachute (“Dare mighty things.” ) was excerpted from a larger quote by Teddy Roosevelt, who said "Far better is it to dare mighty things, to win glorious triumphs, even though checkered by failure ... than to rank with those poor spirits who neither enjoy nor suffer much, because they live in a gray twilight that knows not victory nor defeat." Have a look at the photograph at Can you dust off your binary and crack the code?

Back here on earth, parents are starting to loath their children’s tablets, for good reason. “It creates an endless source of conflict in our house — all he wants to do is watch movies” said one mom with a 2 1/2 year-old-son (in full disclosure, we’re talking about my Grandson). My advice remains the same. If movies are the only option on your iPad, expect trouble. You’ll bring all the linear media “glued passively to the screen’ issues into your home. If you hide the icons to YouTube, Disney+ and son on, and fill your iPad with “nutritious” developmentally appropriate options, like the math apps we’ve described on page 6 your child’s attraction to his or her iPad can become something you feel good about.

Another source of trouble comes when busy parents or children download “free” apps that are specifically engineered to tease children into spending lots of real money. On page 3 of this issue, I’ve started to publish my analysis of Apple’s top 100 kids’ apps. My working title of this work is called "Like Taking Candy from a Baby, Revisited" playing off the title of the 2008 paper I published on children’s Internet sites, at As part of this work, I’ve created a set of seven ethical content descriptors. See page 3.

Finally, I’m happy to inform you that Dust or Magic has a date and location. It will be May 27-29, 2022 at Asilomar in Monterey CA. That’s plenty of time to get vaccinated. Stay safe; and enjoy the issue. Feedback always welcome.

"I do solemnly swear that I will faithfully execute the Office of President of the United States, and will to the best o...

"I do solemnly swear that I will faithfully execute the Office of President of the United States, and will to the best of my ability, preserve, protect and defend the Constitution of the United States."
The Presidential Oath Of Office

Livestream the events on YouTube -->
The official site of the inaugration -->

Discovery Education's Virtual Field Trip

This behind-the-scenes Virtual Field Trip features Inauguration Day questions from real students and answers from real experts. Spark student interest and dive deeper into Inauguration Day topics, including:

What is it like at a Presidential Inauguration?
Why do we have inaugurations?
Why do they happen on January 20?
Why is the inauguration held at the Capitol?
What is it like to move into the White House?

Find meaningful Inauguration Day resources that take students behind the scenes of the Presidential Inauguration and engage them in the rich history, traditions, and significance of this special day.


Children’s Technology Review
Late Fall, Early Winter 2020/21
November - March 2021
Volume 28, No. 4 Issue 243

Among Us
Animal Crossing Pocket Camp
Bill Nye VR Science Kit
Google Kids Space
Hyrule Warriors: Age of Calamity
JumpStart Academy Worksheets Games
Little Owl - Rhymes for Kids
Portal 2*
Power Rangers 2020 Update
Purepaint Kids
Snap Circuits Discover Coding*
Star Wars The Child Animatronic Edition, AKA "Baby Yoda”
Star Wars: The Black Series Darth Revan Force FX Elite Lightsaber
Thinkrolls Play and Code*
Toca Life Plush Toys
Transformers Battle Call Officer Bumblebee
Transformers Gold Painted Botbots
Universe in a Nutshell
Unser Sandmännchen* (The Sandman)

Take a field trip to GermanyUnless you speak German, you may not be able to pronounce say the title of Unser Sandmännche...

Take a field trip to Germany
Unless you speak German, you may not be able to pronounce say the title of Unser Sandmännchen (The Sandman) by Ahoiii Entertainment. But your child will appreciate the this new app; and you’ll both enjoy the wonderful craftsmanship. The app transfers content from a German television franchise to the touch screen in a solid collection of videos and songs (all in German); plus an open world experience similar to the Fiete apps.

Dust or Magic Remote Pandemic Edition Institute on the Design of Children’s Interactive Media Welcome! November 1, 2020 12 to 2 PM EST (NYC) by Zoom

The September/October issue of CTR will be sent to paid subscribers tomorrow by email, as a PDF.  Here's part of the Spr...

The September/October issue of CTR will be sent to paid subscribers tomorrow by email, as a PDF. Here's part of the Spring/Summer issue.


CTR Weekly 7/1/2020: imagiCharm, ConceptD Ezel Notebook, LEGO Duplo World Animals and EndeavorRX; Plus a good site to help children track COVID-19

"What an exceptional time to be alive. You can be everywhere, but nowhere."
Robin Raskin, creator of Live and Free.

Just like adults, children crave honest information when comes to dealing with something frightening. Just like us, they worry if they or their family members are safe from getting sick from COVID-19. That's when objective, non-watered down information can help. A good resource to visit together is Covid Act Now -- a volunteer-led web-based initiative that models COVID-19 data from all over the United States. It gives breakdowns of COVID-19 cases by state and county, along with projected changes due to measures these areas are currently taking. The interface is visual and easy to use and understand, and it can help you and your child manage anxiety.

You're trapped at home, but there are many events that are inviting a virtual audience. For example, there's this live concert this weekend celebrating Louis Armstrong's 112th birthday, at "Live and Free" ( is an ad supported database-driven web site created by Robin Raskin that can help you find online events from home. "We hope LiveandFree will entertain you as much as it does us and that you'll find the best list of curated events for crazy times," says Raskin. Learn more or sign up for the newsletter at


LEGO Duplo World: World AnimalsStoryToys,, (Free, $8 for all IAPs on iPad, Android, iPhone, for ages 2-5.
One of the five parts of the LEGO Duplo World app, sold as an in app purchase (IAP). This part consists of six themed play areas. These let you match animals, freely build, catch fish and play a game of concentration. Make sure you take advantage of the multi-touch features, and play along with your child. The app was made for the LEGO Group by StoryToys, which is part of TouchPress.
Video Link:

EndeavorRxAkili,, ($call), for ages 6-up.
An FDA approved prescription treatment video game for children with Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder (ADHD) which is one of the most common psychiatric disorders in childhood. The leveled racing games are used to help children develop "attention and inhibitory controls."
EndeavorRx is built on the "Selective Stimulus Management engine" (SSMETM) that "presents specific sensory stimuli and simultaneous motor challenges designed to target and activate the neural systems that play a key role in attention function while using adaptive algorithms to personalize the treatment experience for each individual patient." That might also be called classifying, and one might argue that a game of Sonic or Super Smash Bros. could have a similar outcome, but that's a matter of debate and the presentation of the memory tasks are much more controlled. What is not up for debate is that interactive media has been medically validated as a tool to alter behaviors; and that FDA certification will enable the publisher to market games like EndeavorRx through Doctor's offices backed by insurance plans.
According to the publisher, the study effects considered 600 children diagnosed with ADHD, including a prospective, randomized, controlled study published in The Lancet Digital Health journal, which showed EndeavorRx improved objective measures of attention in children with ADHD. After four weeks of EndeavorRx treatment, one-third of children no longer had a measurable attention deficit on at least one measure of objective attention. Further, about half of parents saw a clinically meaningful change in their child’s day-to-day impairments after one month of treatment with EndeavorRx; this increased to 68% after a second month of treatment. Improvements in ADHD impairments following a month of treatment with EndeavorRx were maintained for up to a month. No serious adverse events have been associated with EndeavorRx in any study to date. Some study participants (9.3%) experienced non-serious treatment-related adverse events with EndeavorRx, including frustration, headache, dizziness, emotional reaction, nausea or aggression.
Video Link:

ConceptD Ezel Convertable Notebook Acer of America,, ($1000 on Windows), for ages 12-up.
This is an easy to transport Windows 10 touch screen "desktop" made for small design studios or for people who like to draw. There are two versions -- one with a smaller screen ($1000) and a larger 15.6-inch screen easel ($1500). Both offer 20 hours of battery life and include a stylus. Release date October 2020.

imagiCharmImagiLabs,, ($70 on iPad, Android, Smart Toy, for ages 9-14.
About the size of a matchbox, this is a wearable accessory being marketed for "girls to code" with 64 programmable bright LED lights that form an RGB LED matrix.
You can use it to program colorful moving patterns, or have it spell your name, on letter at a time. Features are limited -- there's not motion sensing or sound. The charm is designed to be attached to backpacks, bags or used as a keychain. The app is easy to set up but it requires the creation of an account which comes with some constraints. For example you have to join the community in order to allow your projects to be saved. The charm is controlled by a free app through Bluetooth using Python commands. Strengths include the use of a real programming language that isn't watered down. Weakness include a lack of sensors. Your work can be shared on the imagiLabs app. The battery lasts about 6 hours, and can be recharged using the included mini USB cable. As of 7/1/2020 the Android app is missing social features.
Video Link:

We've changed the date for the next Dust or Magic, to May 28-30, 2021 at Asilomar in Monterey CA. Stay tuned for more details.


CTR Weekly 6/3/2020: Don't Guess My Race; Science Island and Who Am I? Race Awareness Game

Note: This is what is sent to paid subscribers every week by email. Subscribe for $60/year at

QUOTE TO NOTE: "Many African-Americans are aware of racial and ethnic diversity within their communities. Yet, mainstream music, television and film often homogenize Black culture, ignoring the complexity of identity. Perhaps because of this, people who aren't Black are often unaware of this rich diversity. If people were more aware of the diversity that makes up all racial groups, they might be more likely to take others seriously as individuals, rather than as tokens of groups." From Don't Guess My Race, reviewed below.

In terms of new apps, there's not a lot of news for this week, so I decided to dig a bit into the some Toy Fair 2020 footage (see Sago Mini's Hot Dog Truck). I also updated an older app that we reviewed ten years ago (Guess Race) based on the work of cultural anthropologist Michael Baran. While it's nice to see that you can still play core games, it would be nice if someone updated the interface and included actual video interviews of the participants. I was pleased to discover that there's a free app based on this work that turns your iPad into an ethnicity guessing game. Here's a video with one round -->

Read the full review in CTREX or below.

TOYS YOU NEED TO KNOW ABOUT: Sago Mini's Hot Dog Truck
During Toy Fair 2020 we spotted some fresh additions to the Sago Mini Toy line -- including our favorite -- the hot dog truck.


Don't Guess My Race by Interactive Diversity Solutions,, ($free on Windows, Mac OSX, Chrome, Internet Site), for ages 3-up.
Formerly an app for iOS, this is now part of a larger consulting business. But you can play a free demo (login required) at
You start by seeing a photo, and then try to guess the cultural category of the person (White, Black, Jewish, Egyptian and so on). After you make a guess, you learn read a short biography of the person, and learn that the way that they define themselves can be very complicated. You also learn how powerful culture is when influencing how people think about race. The experience is based on the work of Michael Baran who now does a lot of corporate consulting to help organizations become more sensitive to ethnicity issues. This exercise is designed to help you learn more about race and diversity; which can help you reduce bias, and carry on courageous conversations.

Some other quotes from the app:

"Many African-Americans are aware of racial and ethnic diversity within their communities. Yet, mainstream music, television and film often homogenize Black culture, ignoring the complexity of identity. Perhaps because of this, people who aren't Black are often unaware of this rich diversity. If people were more aware of the diversity that makes up all racial groups, they might be more likely to take others seriously as individuals, rather than as tokens of groups."

"It's debatable whether being Jewish is ethnic or not. I have a shaved head so I think people see me as a white guy that's mean and uneducated. I hope people don't think I'm a racist. At work I don't worry about it because I have a suit on."

"Some say that the clothes make the man. In 2005, National Basketball Association commissioner David Stern instituted a dress code for basketball players – requiring players to dress in business or conservative attire and banning clothing associated with hip hop and Black fashion such as jerseys, do-rags, large jewelry, and Timberland boots. Many called this policy racist and patronizing. What do you think? How does it make you think about different corporate cultures and their dress codes?"

"Ever use a phrase like "no problemo" or "el cheapo"? It seems funny, and people don't usually do it with bad intentions. However, anthropologist Jane Hill argues that this "mock" Spanish actually reinforces a critical inequity. Spanish speakers have to be extra careful about speaking English exactly right in public spaces while white people can creatively or incorrectly use Spanish and not even realize how this might subtly reinforce the accepted norms of English and whiteness."

Science Island by Education Network Group Pty Ltd,, ($free on Windows, Mac OSX, Internet Site), for ages 8-up.
Good intentions and solid science content meet a clunky, hard to use navigation system in this free browser based online game from Australia. This game was created by the Education Network Group Pty Ltd. Most of the content is delivered via videos. Testers noted a very heavy AU accent.
Content includes 130 videos, plus games, experiments, songs and quizzes to evidence student learning. Have a look at

Who Am I? Race Awareness Game by Interactive Diversity Solutions,, ($free on iPad, iPhone, for ages 6-up.
"Because skin colors are not just black and white, it my be hard for children to use questions about skin color to eliminate choices in the game. Suggest that they ask whether the person's skin color is lighter or darker than someone you both know."

This is a guessing game where you pass the iPad back and forth between players (e.g., an older child and an adult). First, you choose a person from selection of 20. Next, pass the iPad to the second player. They have to ask questions to eliminate which person you have picked with questions like "is the person young or older, light skin or dark skin, smiling... and so on. The experience, while clunky and hard to use, is designed to stimulate a productive dialogue between adults/educators and children regarding the complex and sensitive issues of race and ethnicity. It is based on the work of Michael Baran, a cultural anthropologist. The free app is available in the Apple iTunes store for iOS devices. Note that this is onto the "Guess Race" game, which has not been updated as of 6/4/2020. Also note that the interface could be improved. For example there is no "back" option on many of the screens, and the game has some pauses that make you wonder if the app is frozen. There also is no audio (it would be better if you could see a video of the people being interviewed). Here is some of the content from the game:

"Have your child pay attention to the way people smile."

"What should you do if your child says the "N-word" or some other derogatory term? They probably are not doing it maliciously but are rather trying out some words they have heard. Don't just tell them it's wrong - explain to them why it's wrong. Tell them about the tragic history linked to these words."

"We're all English, 14 generations back. I've seen reverse discrimination at my company. They are big on diversity - on hiring people born outside the country."

"Children older than 13 might enjoy watching the movie "Rabbit Proof Fence." It demonstrates some interesting and horrific ways that race and race mixing where used for policy in the 1930's in Australia."
Video Link:

More wisdom for the week --
Thomas Friedman in the NYTimes reminds us that Lincoln, in our darkest, most divisive hour, was able to dig deep into his soul and find the words “with malice toward none, with charity for all … let us strive on to finish the work we are in” and establish “a just and lasting peace among ourselves and with all nations.” From

And from Jennifer Lewis, President, Gryphon House (disclaimer, one of my publishers) writes "Let’s provide our children and grandchildren with a better tomorrow. We live together. We hurt together. We can learn together. We can do more. We can do better. Let’s get to work."


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Flemington, NJ


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