SAVE THE DATE! January 5th, 6th and 7th.
Puyallup Home Remodeling and Landscape Show!
Meet and schedule your projects with local contractors, designers and landscaping pros.
Add color and style to your living spaces!
Meet Ciscoe Morris!
First 100 in FREE daily!
Plenty of free parking!
If you're near Puyallup...stop by the Puyallup Home Remodel and Garden Show. We just opened. Jan 7 - Jan 9 2022... Over 100 Vendors. Lots of friendly people to help you with your 2022 honey-do list. check it out.
#homeshow #homedecor #garden #remodeling #puyalluphomeshow #puyallup
Come on down to the Puyallup Home Remodel and Garden Show today (fri Jan 7) till 6pm Sat 10-6 and Sunday 10-5p #gopro
Lots of amazing things coming in 2022. DM us to hear about them...or keep your eyes and ears open.
If you're alone this's room at our table...DM me if you're in need. Happy Thanksgiving...
Has your business referrals slowed due to COVID? Maybe you're launching a new product or service. One of the best ways to grow your business is Joining a BNI referral group. They're convenient, offer hundreds of hours of business building podcasts/seminars, virtual networking events and opportunities, coaching, access to international markets and more...all from your office. See what it's like.. COME VISIT email, instant message or follow the link to register and see if BNI is for you.
Spring 2021. Our neighborhood.