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I don't know which is more impressive: Bill's discovery about Missouri mining could strike it big with gold, cobalt, and platinum or that he's nearly 86 years old, drove himself for the #573magazine interview, and is quick-witted as he discusses complex subjects. Check it out at 573magazine.com and subscribe to stay in the loop. #GetOutThere #TellYourStory #southeastmissouri #geology #geologywonders #mining
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Check out "All The Buzz" ideas and personal observations by a horticulture and herbalism guru about gardening.
Are you Eclectic? | 573magazine.com | More photo's, words, and video #designinspiration #homedecore by Fisher Furniture
Don't Look Up! April 8th. Total Eclipse. To get the scoop, visit 573magazine.com. #Totaleclipse #pathoftotality #573magazine #getoutthere #tellyourstory #southeastmissouri
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