In February, Harraseeket hosted a 3 hour vocation fair for Fairfax County, Virginia high school students and their parents. The fair was designed to encourage conversations about making more informed vocation decisions. We had students from a wide variety of high schools, including Langley, McLean, Marshall, Oakton, Centreville, Robert E Lee, Virginia Virtual Academy and Cedar Lane, and home-schooled students.
Five different break-out sessions and a lunch panel focused on a variety of topics, led by 23 adults who shared reflections on the paths they’ve travelled and the lessons they’ve learned. Panelists included three guidance counselors, a financial planner, and eight young adults with a variety of life experiences and fascinating careers.
Here's what one participant said: “[K]eep up the great work! This is so helpful for our youth, and I wish I had it available to me when I was going through the process many moons ago. I think it’s very valuable to help them see that they have access to a wider network than they may realize at first. Religious and social communities (peer friendships, parents’ friends) can allow them to extend their network of knowledge and experience.”
See more. including more comments from participants, at harraseeketfoundation.org/events/.
Upcoming Events DECIDING ON A MAJOR – – A WEBINAR FOR HIGH SCHOOL STUDENTS Friday, May 29 2-3 PM EDT Planning on applying to college soon but not sure how to answer the question, What do you want to major in? Deciding on a major can feel stressful, but it doesn’t have to be! It’s simply a ma...