City students receive free haircuts courtesy of THRIVE for Humanity. We speak with the new CEO and Chief Medical Officer at the HealthFirst Family Care Center. Winterfest Fall River 2025 takes place this Saturday.
THRIVE for Humanity hosted over 70 children for free haircuts at the Cultural Event Center. #fallriver #fallriverma #fallrivermassachusetts #freehaircuts #students #homeless
SouthCoast Rail will start in Fall River on March 24. At the end of the school year, St. Stanislaus School in Fall River will shut down. Residents are encouraged to complete the annual Fall River Municipal Census.
On this week's show, the state has provided funding for scholarships for prospective police officers to help pay the costs of attending the police academy. Bristol Community College will run the program. People, Incorporated plans to complete its new early education center by the fall. Citizens for Citizens offers free income tax services for income-eligible residents.
Undocumented immigrants on the SouthCoast face anxiety in the face of threatened detainment and deportation from the Trump Administration. Two individuals have indicated their intention to run for mayor. And SouthCoast Rail is on target to launch in the spring.
A Fall River immigration attorney shares the rights undocumented immigrants have if approached by law enforcement. #fallriver #fallrivermassachusetts #fallriverma #immigration #deportation
The Catholic Schools Alliance in the Diocese of Fall River is celebrating Catholic Schools Week to share the qualities of a Catholic education. #catholicschoolsweek #catholicschools #dioceseoffallriver #catholiceducation
Cold weather makes it difficult for those who are homeless. Local Democrats seek input on how the party can win the White House in four years. The SouthCoaat has a new arts advocate on the Mass Cultural Council.
A dedicated group of volunteers is providing a hot meal and supplies to those homeless along the Quequechan River Rail Trail every Wednesday through the end of winter. #homeless #homelessness #homelesspeople #Fall #River #fallriver #fallriverma #fallrivermassachusetts
Bristol Community College’s new president tells us what attracted him to Bristol. Bristol Community College #fallriver #fallriverma #bristolcountyma #communitycollege #communitycolleges #taunton #attleboro #NewBedford #newbedford #fallrivermass
Join the Fall River Public Library for their Pokemon event!
As winter drags on, what is the status of Fall River's homeless? Police arrest a man who vandalized an officer's memorial. We begin a new segment on the latest Fall River real estate and business news.