Check out what's going on in December at Garren Creek Foundation
Check out our full calendar for the month of December and stop by to shop, eat, and/or volunteer!
🌟 Winter Heating Event will have wood, propane, heaters, fire extinguishers, CO detectors, gloves, jackets, etc.
🌟Christmas Toy Shopping will include new and gently used toys, books, clothes for children of all ages. We will have a gift wrapping station as well. NO children allowed inside for this event. We are hoping to have at least one volunteer to monitor children on the basketball court while parents shop if need be.
🌟Community Dinner is ALWAYS open to anyone who wants to come and enjoy a freshly cooked meal and the gift and comfort of community.
Volunteers are essential to our mission and we need more volunteers in order to keep serving our community! Sign up for a full or partial shift at this link:
➡️ https://www.signupgenius.com/go/10C0A48ABAA29A4FAC34-53748376-december