Check out this message below from Interfaith Action for Human Rights (IAHR) about their Pen Pal Project.
We Need You to Write to Incarcerated People!
Interfaith Action for Human Rights (IAHR) launched its first pen pal program in 2017 to keep DC residents connected to their communities while serving time in federal prisons around the country. Since then, we have expanded our program to incarcerated people in Virginia and Maryland State Prisons. We’ve connected over 250 inmates and local volunteers who exchange letters once a month.
Join Our Pen Pal Project!
Joining our program is an opportunity to:
Build a new friendship
Learn more about prison conditions.
Share your story to inform our work on prison reform.
Interested? We’d love to hear from you! Email us to introduce yourself to Rabbi Chuck Feinberg, chair of the Pen Pal Project. He will send you the details.
For more information, please visit their website at https://www.interfaithactionhr.org/pen_pal_program. The Pen Pal Project’s email address is [email protected] or contact [email protected].