MediaForce, LLC wishes you a holiday season filled with peace, good health, happiness, and the warmth and love of family and friends.
Not all sunscreens are created equal. The FDA’s Center for Drug Evaluation and Research (FDA CDER) has released TV PSAs as part of their Health Playbook Series. This campaign aims to help consumers decide how to use sunscreen and other sun protection measures, allowing them to more effectively protect themselves and their families from sun damage.
Unused prescription opioid pain medicines can spell RISK, if they’re taken by someone they weren’t prescribed for. Or HARM, if accidentally taken by a child or a pet. Find a drug take-back option, such as medicine drop-off boxes. If there isn’t one available, check the @US_FDA’s Flush List. Get information to keep your family safe at View and DL more safety PSAs at
Learn about Dan Acosta's road to recovery in this Coalition to Salute America’s Heroes PSA. The Coalition supports wounded veterans and their families. Find more resources at and download the PSA at
The U.S. Food and Drug Administration (FDA)’s Sunscreen Safety PSA campaign serves to help consumers decide how to buy and use sunscreen, and allow them to more effectively protect themselves and their families from sun damage. The "ABCs of Sun Protection" PSA has no expiration date.
The U.S. Department of Transportation’s Federal Motor Carrier Safety Administration (FMCSA) produced three safety PSAs as part of the Our Roads, Our Safety partnership. The "Voices of Safety" PSAs raise awareness among the general driving public about the dangers that exist when operating their vehicles around large trucks and buses. This campaign effort works towards FMCSA’s core mission – reducing crashes, injuries and fatalities that involve large trucks and buses on our roadways – and features drivers with different perspectives that offer tips for sharing the road safely.
The Substance Abuse and Mental Health Services Administration (SAMHSA) “Talk. They Hear You.” PSA campaign serves to equip parents and caregivers with the knowledge, skills and confidence to prevent underage drinking and other substance use. The latest PSAs entitled “Clouded”, “Helping a Friend” and “Reminiscing” are available as 30- and 60-second spots with no expiration date.
The Pipeline Operators for Ag Safety (POAS) Farm and Ranch Safe 811 Campaign serves to protect those who farm and ranch near underground utilities and pipelines by promoting calling 811, a free service. The campaign includes six (6) 30-second video PSAs featuring farmers in Indiana and Minnesota, a rancher in Texas, farm workers – including spots in English and Spanish – and one with a focus on higher risk farm drainage activities.
Acetaminophen is an active ingredient found in hundreds of over-the-counter (OTC) and prescription medicines that are used to relieve pain and fever. It is also combined with other active ingredients in medicines that treat allergy, cough, colds, flu, and sleeplessness.
The U.S. Food and Drug Administration (FDA)’s “Safe Use of Acetaminophen” PSA campaign serves to educate the public regarding the safe use of acetaminophen and to warn that taking too much of it can destroy the liver. The TV and radio PSAs are available in English as 30-second spots with no expiration date.
The Substance Abuse and Mental Health Services Administration (SAMHSA) “Talk. They Hear You.” PSA campaign serves to equip parents and caregivers with the knowledge, skills and confidence to prevent underage drinking and substance use.
The “We Do Hear You” PSAs are available in English as 30- and 60-second spots with no expiration date.
The nation's leading nonprofit end-of-life care group, Compassion & Choices, has released new PSAs to educate Californians about the End of Life Option Act. The PSAs feature Dolores Huerta, civil rights activist and president of the Dolores Huerta Foundation; Dan Diaz, husband of the late Brittany Maynard; and Reverend Madison Shockley, pastor at Pilgrim United Church of Christ in Carlsbad. In the PSAs, they share their experiences of losing loved ones to terminal illnesses. They emphasize the importance of the End of Life Option Act and how access to the law can make a substantial difference in one’s end-of-life journey.
Learn more about the TV PSAs:
The U.S. Food and Drug Administration (FDA) "Safe Use of Acetaminophen" PSA campaign serves to educate consumers about using acetaminophen safely and to warn that taking too much of it can destroy the liver.
More about the TV PSA:
More about the radio PSA: