Work In Progress. Update #3: it is a wrap!
After some research I choose Frances as the name for this project.
The covers of the book that was used to create this journal had the name Carl Zander inside. Below is the story of Carl and Frances, based on the info I found while doing some research.
If you like to see the flip through, it is available on my YouTube channel: https://youtu.be/qjchlS1KEfA
To purchase this journal set, visit my Etsy store: https://www.etsy.com/listing/1879101761/frances-handmade-journal-file-box-file
Karl Friedrich Zander was born January 4th, 1878, in Wetter, Germany. He arrived in Seattle, Washington on November 1st, 1904, via Vancouver, BC, Canada, during the gold rush. At some point during his time in Alaska he started using Charles (Carl) Frederick Zander, as his name. His WWI draft registration card, dated October 25th, 1916, shows him working at Hot Springs, Alaska, while the registrar is located in Nenana. Presumably in 1912, Carl lived in Valdez, Alaska, purchased and read the pocket size book 'Models for Study' by Grenville Kleiser, of which the front and back cover were used to make this journal. Carl stamped his name and address inside the book.
Frances Rogers was born on June 16, 1879, in Manchester, England. In September 1880, Frances and her family entered the US via Philadelphia, PA. When Frances was 11 years old, she and her family became US citizens through naturalization (August 6th, 1890), at the Superior Court in Oakland, California.
Carl was 68 years old when he became a US citizen on April 15, 1946 and officially changed his name at the same time.
Carl and Frances were married on March 31st, 1923. Carl became a turkey farmer. They lived in Los Gatos, California, and didn't have any children.
Carl passed away on May 4th, 1973.
Frances passed away on September 9th, 1969.