On this episode of mHtv … money, women, murder, and shipping updates! All pre-orders of the new Brad Clayton EP are being packed up and handed over to the fine folks at the United States Postal Service.
#minorhymns #mhtv #bradclayton #excommunicated #independentrecordlabel #limitededition #folkmusic #americana #compactdisc #cdrelease #conoroberst #obscuresound #thesmiths #johnnymarr #folkrock #blackielawless #waspband #waspwildchild
Label mascot, Fergie…snow dog.
#greatpyrenees #greatpyreneesofinstagram #snowdog #slowmotion #independentrecordlabel
What on earth could this be? A new episode of Minor Hymns TV!
#unboxing #independentrecordlabel #minorhymns #bradclayton #excommunicated #swissarmyknife #newrelease
Don’t turn that dial! It’s a special edition of Minor Hymns TV. News about the upcoming EP and how to pre-order that banger. #minorhymns #mhtv #bradclayton #independenrecordlabel
Brad Clayton record update. New single news and a surprise show…TONIGHT!
“It’s got a death curse!” Updates on Minor Hymns goings on and show updates for Brad Clayton and his wrestling boot band.
Tonight! For those in the Wiregrass area that are waxed, vaxed, and back for the attack…get over to @muralcitycoffeeco to see it true to life 3D. For the rest of us, watch the show stream live via the @muralcitycoffeeco & @minorhymns pages. We’ve been told that Brad will have some very limited Minor Hymns merch for sale. Get it.
Don’t forget to add Brad Clayton’s “Splitting the Atom” to your Spotify playlists. Links in bio. Updated album news coming soon.
#bradclayton #thekeep #minorhymns #folkmusic #americana #darkfolkmusic #gramparsons #morrissey #independentrecordlabel #singersomgwriter
Thanks to everyone streaming Brad Clayton’s new single, “Splitting the Atom.” It’s now been added to various Spotify playlists. Check out the links in our bio!
#bradclayton #minorhymns #folkmusic #americana #darkfolkmusic #singersongwriter #debutalbum
Episode 5? 6? of your favorite show and mine, Minor Hymns TV. New podcast up…shirts are flyin…update on streaming…and next single tease…
Short ode to the master, RJD. Sometime’s Brad sends over these covers just for fun. We should probably just start sharing them here.
#bradclayton #ronniejamesdio #holydiver #acousticcover #folkmusic
New episode of MHtv! “Splitting the Atom” release update, MH shirt reveal, and Great Pyrenees puppies!