Tuesday Night Live with Rick Dancer
The floor belongs to you. We can talk about whatever is on your mind, well, we might need to filter some of that lol. Really, just join in with comments, questions, statements...
Long Term COVID: Sailor At War With Medical Diagnosis
An Oregon nurse wants to serve her country so she joins the Navy. Her first assignment New York City Hospitals during the worst days of the COVID outbreak. Now she has long haul COVID and is fighting the Navy and the medical community while her body falls apart.
Days news...California Fires ect.
We do live shows on our social media. You bring up the topics and it can be anything.
Big Day For Free Speech
Looks like after years of throttling content it's fact checkers didn't agree with, Facebook is shaking it up. It's about damn time I say. Let's talk about that and the new mood in the country.
This announcement is huge and would not have happened without a Trump win. For me and others who work here this is a day to celebrate. Oh and watch as the others follow suit.
Kathy and I got out of the state for our new years celebration. Lots to celebrate about the year to come and so much to leave behind. This log cabin sits in the heart of old town Cody Wyoming
Get Real with Rick Dancer
Christmas is over a New Year is just around the corner....what are your expectations?
The Old Soul Finds It's Way
I met Jaymason Bouwman 14 years ago when he was in middle school and I was speaking at school assemblies about how to treat people. He blew me away with his wisdom and we've been friends ever since. I found the old clip I made of his comments and asked him to talk with you and me. He's an amazing young man who will inspire and test you.
Tuesday Night Live With Rick Dancer
Freestyle show. We can talk about anything in the news, happening in culture or whatever you think you need to get off your chest.
Lost & Found Oregon Ghost Towns
Back in 2007 photographer Ben McKee and me did a trip all over Oregon to document forever, some of Oregon's most amazing Ghost Towns. We take you from Scottsburg to Pacific City and even the tragic town of Bay Ocean. Some of the facts have changed since our story but non of the history is different. You can always count on History to tell the best tales.
Live With Rick Dancer
Tuesday night and we're going live. Just you and me and a bunch of others we may or may not know. Topic? I don't care you can decide by commenting. Let's go.
A Conversation With Rick Dancer
Friend and coworker Tim von Schleh talk about Ricks ups and downs, what made him who he is today, important people who shaped his life and other interesting stories.