From his documentary, “Suffer No Fools,” Walter Williams highlights how material progress and economic understanding have transformed possibilities for every American.
In the early 1900s, an unlikely partnership between Booker T. Washington and Sears CEO Julius Rosenwald revolutionized Black education in the South. Together, they built a network of "Rosenwald Schools," nurturing minds like Maya Angelou and John Lewis.
But when government stepped in, something unexpected happened.
Watch education leader Ian Rowe as he shares this remarkable story of private initiative, educational excellence, and a surprising lesson about good intentions.
"Without government funding, who would pay for university research?"
Milton Friedman: Markets already solved this.
Universities sell three things:
1️⃣ Teaching
2️⃣ Research
3️⃣ Monuments
That last one? It's genius. Private donors fund public benefits through prestige, no government needed.
Free markets solve "impossible" problems when we let them.
What if better politicians isn't the goal—but better incentives is? Milton explains why.
"Why do gas stations let non-customers use their bathrooms?" 🤔
Many assume this is a "market failure" requiring government intervention. But there's a brilliant market solution hiding in plain sight: The goodwill from providing these facilities is worth more than the cost of restricting them.
Sometimes the most elegant solutions come from letting markets work, not forcing them to.
Can forced equality ever create true fairness? Or does it just replace one form of freedom with another kind of constraint?
From economist to voice actor? Even Johan Norberg was surprised to find himself voicing the Zoo Keeper in "The Adventures of Jonathan Gullible"!
And be sure to check out the whole series by following the link. You might recognize some other surprising voices!
Tipping at places you'll never revisit - pure kindness or invisible social glue? #MiltonMonday #MiltonFriedman #capitalism #economics #freemarket #freedom #liberty #entrepreneur #business #society #equality #freetochoose #individualism #responsibility
The secret to why government spending fails isn't what you think.
It's not corruption. It's not incompetence. It's something far simpler that happens to all of us every day.
Milton Friedman breaks it down perfectly in this 2-minute clip that will change how you think about government spending forever.
If markets can't track who wins and loses, how can the government possibly know who to help? #MiltonMonday #MiltonFriedman #capitalism #economics #freemarket #freedom #liberty #entrepreneur #business #society #equality #freetochoose #individualism #responsibility
Subsidies are just taxes in disguise - both limit economic freedom. #freetochoose #MiltonFriedman #WalterWilliams #ThomasSowell #capitalism #economics #freemarket #freedom #liberty #democracy #entrepreneur #business #society #equality #wealth #inflation #tax #taxes
Does mandatory safety regulation protect society or treat citizens as government property? #MiltonMonday #MiltonFriedman #capitalism #economics #freemarket #freedom #liberty #entrepreneur #business #society #equality #freetochoose #individualism #responsibility