Share the pricey item you bought and never regretted it! Then, at 5, it's another round of Little Kid or Drunk Adult! @iheartradio
You have another chance to win 4 tickets to Summer MatsErie @lakeeriespeedway with JessiConnections at 3:10! Then, at 5, this week, Amanda is asking, "Should I Make-up or Break-up?" @iheartradio
You have another chance to win 4 tickets to Summer MatsErie at @lakeeriespeedway with JessiConnections at 3:10! Just after 4, find out if you work in the happiest or least happy industry! @iheartradio
You have a chance to win 4 tickets to Summer MatsErie at @lakeeriespeedway with JessiConnections at 3:10! Then at 4, what's something weird you're really good at that would get you a gold medal if it were an Olympic sport? @iheartradio
At 4 this week, Jeff is asking, "Am I the jerk?" Then at 5, share a time when you accidentally belittled someone. @iheartradio
You have another chance to win a $50 gift card to @flagshipfireworks at 3:10! Then, at 4, share the mistake you made that allowed you to learn a valuable life lesson. @iheartradio
At 4, share your creative nickname for your robot vacuum! Then, at 5, Daisy wants your advice on dating the "bad boy" or the "good guy!"
At 4, fund out the definition of a "Raindrop" baby name! Then, at 5, why a "sleep divorce" can strengthen your relationship!
At 4, share your Prime Day purchase mistake! Then at 5, share your "brush with the law" experience!
At 4, Sara wants to know if living the "hot girl summer" makes her the jerk? Then at 5, you can talk with Mystic Mary!
You have a chance to win a $50 gift card to Flagship Fireworks at 3:10! Then at 4, it's another round of Little Kid or Drunk Adult!
There's still time to register for the Labatt Blue Light 3 Club Challenge at! JC Martin Golf Course Golf Erie iHeartRadio
Learning more about JC Martin Golf Course before the Labatt Blue Light 3 Club Challenge! Golf Erie iHeartRadio
There are still a few slots open for the Labatt Blue Light 3 Club Challenge this Sunday! JC Martin Golf Course Golf Erie iHeartRadio
Gearing up for the Labatt Blue Light Tournament Series! JC Martin Golf Course Golf Erie iHeartRadio
If you're looking for something fun to do with the kids this weekend...look no further! expERIEnce Children's Museum iHeartRadio
Check out all the new attractions at expERIEnce Children's Museum! iHeartRadio
Don't miss the party this weekend at expERIEnce Children's Museum! iHeartRadio
Getting ready for the Phase 2 Grand Opening expERIEnce Children's Museum ! @iheartradio
Get the description of an average cheater just after 4! Then, at 5, a blind mystic predicts the 'end days' will begin in 2025!