Why did the prince push on through the Valley of Thornz for Aurora?
Only to find a fire breathing dragon next in the way. So why did he then give his entire being in Faith to slay the dragon? He knew many stories of knights and princes who had been turned to ash on the spot.. would that be considered foolish behavior by this young prince?
Why did he leave everything behind to risk his life, to put himself through hellish conditions, face death and go beyond for her?
Because he had a Prophesy on his heart, and she was the One.
The prince and Aurora are symbolic of the hero inside, chasing after the YOU that Life has called out. If your Hero is in the midst of thorns, or facing the dragons fire, just close your eyes and remember that the most precious gems formed under great pressure and it's the tension that allows us to be something out of nothing in the Infinite Cosmos. How could it be any other way than exactly what it is now?
Peace and gratitude, all things work together for Our good.
Please call Nina this summer to book her healing hands through your Hero's journey!