Renegade provides a platform from which student artists can share their unique theatrical insights and passions. They can do so by mounting any kind of production over which they have complete control and authority (such as cabarets, dance pieces, song cycles, experimental work, self-written plays,etc) or even through master classes/workshops which they lead. This organization provides artistic op
portunities for all students on Elon’s campus. It is open to all majors including those outside of the performing arts - creating great collaboration and interdisciplinary involvement. Current Renegade Board:
Executive Directors: Jenna Hokanson and Ryan James Monroe
Business Director: Joshua Tyler Parrott
Production Manager: Danielle Basirico
Communications Director: Chelsea Lindsay
Secretary: Jessie Bond
APO Liaison: Jessica Edwards
At-Large Members: Hunter McCormick, Julia Lescarbeau
Renegade ByLaws:
Article I- Name
Renegade Productions of Elon University
Article II- Purpose
Mission Statement:
To promote and enact the production of student written, directed, and/or devised theater. To expose students and faculty (performing arts and otherwise) to alternative methods of theatrical production, design, and performance. Renegade provides a platform from which student artists can share their unique theatrical insights and passions through master classes which they lead or mounting a production over which they have complete control and authority. It is open to majors outside of the performing arts creating greater collaboration and interdisciplinary involvement. Article III- Membership
In order to facilitate as much artistic input as possible, membership is only restricted by participation in Renegade’s projects. Renegade members will be considered in good standing if they meet one of two requirements within an academic year:
Active participation in one Renegade project. Active participation is defined as three or more meetings, rehearsals, or planning sessions for said project. Active participation includes any leadership role on Renegade’s board or on a Renegade supported production. This includes support as an audience member, class participant, or one time service for a project. Article IV- Governance
Section I -- Officers
A. Executive Director (President)
- Act as contact for artistic community
- Provide initial communication for proposal phase of projects
- Direct organization through mission objectives and leading board meetings
- Act as final voice in decision making of organization
- Other duties as assigned
B. Finance Director (Treasurer)
- Create budget for the year
- Keep board updated on expenses for current projects
- Record fundraised monies
- Communicate with project liaisons on project budgets
- Other duties as assigned
C. Production Manager
- Coordinate production staff for projects
- Communicate with project liaisons on project production needs
- Provide business structure for organization
- Reserve spaces as needed for projects
- Other duties as assigned
D. Correspondence Coordinator
- Take minutes at board meetings
- Inform members and artistic community of organization projects
- Contact supporters and sponsors to facilitate continued involvement
- Other duties as assigned
E. Media Correspondent
- Brand Renegade to encourage support of projects
- Encourage support through social media
- Provide advertising and public relations for individual projects
- Create archival video recordings of projects
- Other duties as assigned
F. Project Liaisons
- Work with specific project as assigned by board.
- Report on progress of project to board
- Be accountable for budget of specific project
- Attend all production meetings and select rehearsals for project
- Provide an evaluation of project upon completion
G. At-Large (2-5 positions)
- Act as project liaisons as assigned
- Provide other support services as needed
- Learn skills of other positions to take on those positions in future
Section II – Officer Selection
Officers will be selected by the current board in an attempt to create a committed board willing to go beyond simple membership in the organization. Applications for leadership positions will be available to all members. Before applications become available current board members will be asked whether they plan to continue their role, if so, they will not have to reapply for their position. From the completed applications the board will discuss whose skills fit the needs of Renegade and through an interview process pick the board members for the coming year. The board will vote on each position, with a simple majority constituting a quorum. Votes will be counted by the advisor at the meeting during which the votes are cast. Section III – Term Limits
February: Choose new officers who participate in the Leadership Development Institute held by the Center for Leadership. March: New officers shadow old officers and prepare next year's budget request to SGA. April: New officers assume office and present budget requests to SGA, appoint members to committees for next year, plan for new membership recruitment in the fall (SGA Organization Fair in September), set goals with other officers, etc. The February through April applies only to the 5 titled positions. In order for first-year students to be involved, the at-large positions will be filled in September for the coming year. They will then have the opportunity to apply for a position in the first or second year being at-large, however they will not be allowed to serve at-large for more than two years. New at-large members cannot be seniors so as to have strong leaders in the future and never have a completely new board. Excluding the initial two years of operation, the board should never be made up of more than four senior members. Section IV—Vacancies in Officer Positions
If a board member is removed or resigns a current at-large member will be chosen by the remaining board to take that position. At the next term cycle that member must reapply if they choose to keep that position and the at-large position will be filled
Removal of Members and Officers
Removal of Members: Members will be removed if they fail to abide by the policies of Renegade or due to conduct unbecoming of a member as decided by the board. Removal of Officers: Failure to fulfill obligations outlined in Section I is grounds for removal
Procedure for Removal of Officers and Members: The accused will be provided written charges by the advisor one week before a scheduled meeting at which they can defend themselves. After the defense the board will vote on the consequences of their actions. The entire board must be present at the meeting, and 75% of the board will constitute a quorum. If an officer or member is disciplined, they will be put on probation for one month- meaning any participation in organizational activities will be closely monitored by a current board member. Upon completion of that month another vote will be taken by the board to determine if they will be allowed to rejoin the organization. A quorum of 75% will be required for them to reenter into organizational activities freely. They will be notified immediately of this decision in writing. Board meetings once every two weeks,
B. Time and location determined by active board at beginning of each semester
C. The Correspondence Coordinator will inform board members of meeting times and communicate via email general body meetings as needed
D. All board members are expected to be at all meetings unless excused by executive director. Members should participate in activities as per membership requirements
E. There will be a minimum of four board meetings a semester, regularly attended by the board
F. A Quorum is constituted of 75% of board. G. 50% of attendees present constitute a majority allowing a motion to carry
Article VI –Committees
Ad-Hoc committees will be authorized at the discretion of the executive director as needed. Their work will be reported on at regular meetings throughout their project
Article VII – Finances
Funds may be generated from any or all of the following:
Section 1 – Dues
A. Renegade will not collect dues from members. At the beginning of each semester, Renegade members will examine the projects proposed for that semester and discuss how these projects will be funded. This funding will most likely come from SGA or from fundraisers. During the first meetings of the semester we will discuss the types of fundraising events we would like to have and how these events can be monetarily beneficial. Section 2 – Student Government Association
Renegade’s funds will be primarily generated through the Student Government Association and through fundraising events such as performances or master classes. Section 3 – Fundraising
It is a requirement that all Renegade members participate in at least three fundraising events each semester. Article VIII – Advisor
Section 1 - Selection
The process for the acquisition of an advisor for Renegade is as follows:
1. A meeting is held, during which the organizations board members will submit names of their preferred advisor(s).
2. After collecting these names, a discussion of the submissions will ensue among the members of the board. From which discussion, a maximum of three advisors will be chosen as the top candidates for the position.
3. A vote of the board will then take place for the purpose of ranking the choices of advisor in order of preference.
4. The Executive Director of Renegade then has the responsibility of making a formal offer of the position of advisor to the boards most desired candidate. If this first candidate is unable/unwilling to assume the position, the Executive Director will then proceed to make the offer of organization advisor to the boards second choice, and so on, until an advisor is obtained.
*Note: If none of the three candidates are able/willing to accept the position offered them, the above process of selecting an advisor is to be repeated, from which the three original candidates are to be excluded. Section 2 - Duties
The duties and/or responsibilities of the advisor of Renegade Productions are as follows:
• Attends organization meetings and/or events, as he or she is able.
• Serves as the organizations liaison to Elon University faculty members, as well as other university departments outside of the Performing Arts Department.
• Consults the board of Renegade on issues/projects up for consideration, however the advisor does not have the power, as board members do, to vote on whether the organization will facilitate a project or not.
• Provides guidance and support to organization members for the purpose of advancing the goals of the organization.
• Attends out-of-town events. Article IX – Amendments
Changes to the bylaws will be brought before the board for discussion. At the next regularly scheduled meeting they will be voted on and either passed or denied by a simple majority of the present quorum. Article X – Parliamentary Authority
All meetings will be conducted using Robert’s Rules of Order