Our Story
The Ellsworth American is a locally owned and managed weekly newspaper serving Hancock County, Maine. Publication began Oct. 17, 1851, making the American the oldest newspaper in Hancock County and the second oldest in Maine. The newspaper has won numerous awards and distinctions from state, New England and national newspaper associations in recognition of news coverage, photography, editorial pages, advertising layouts and general excellence. The newspaper, which has a Thursday dateline, is printed each Wednesday afternoon and is available on newsstands throughout Hancock and western Washington counties and the Bangor/Brewer area of Penobscot County. Print subscriptions are mailed nationwide and fully searchable digital subscriptions have been available since 2009. The Ellsworth American and its sister paper The Mount Desert Islander in 2012 employed a combined staff of 55. Departments include news, advertising, internet, circulation, administration, accounting, creative services and the press and mail room.