By Carolyn L. Wells
Todd County Standard
The Todd County Retired Teachers’ Association held its December meeting on Tuesday, December 10, at 11:30 AM at the Elkton Baptist Church Fellowship Center in Elkton. Those in attendance in-cluded Jo Ann Holder (President), Teresa Chadwick, Arthur Green, Jane Mallory, Jane Dyer, Charlotte Morrow, Judy Howle, Frances Traughber, Peggy Oller, Denise Stuard, Angela Judy, Dana Orr, Connie Wofford (Vice-President), Sylvia Sadler, Donna Nabb, Ruth Bland, Peg Coots, Mildred Bellar, Sharon Griggs, Terry Lawson, and Carolyn Wells (Secretary). Also in attendance at the meeting was Santa Claus, who was tasked with delivering small presents to each member provided by Jo Ann Holder, Jane Mallory, Carolyn Wells, “Something Special,” “Hip Harvest,” and “Billy Goat Hill.” Prior to the meeting, members enjoyed a pot luck meal provided by those in attendance.
Peggy Oller moved, and Jane Mallory seconded, the September 10, 2024 minutes for the association be approved. In the absence of Jean Odum, treasurer, Jo Ann shared over $3800.00 has been contributed to a scholarship honoring the late Mrs. Virginia Howard. Members of the association will meet with the Howard family in January to set up the guidelines for the scholarship. Prior to her death, Mrs. Howard, a former secretary and treasurer of the organization and a retired math teacher at TCCHS, requested a scholarship be provided in lieu of flowers.
In committee reports, Arthur Green shared Amendment 2 was defeated in the November election. That amendment, if it had passed, would have taken monies geared towards education to fund private schooling. Mr. Green also shared information about the efforts to provide Social Security benefits to educators. President Holder explained the association’s membership is down slightly from last year with the current number of retirees being 42 members. Mr. Green also reported a major change in insur-ance for those 65 and over will be that all physical therapy and similar therapies will require approval before the therapy begins. It was also mentioned Tennova is still approved for Kentucky educators. Connie Wofford reported principals at the elementary schools were aware of deadlines for the Grand-parent Essay Contest with the deadline being January 15, 2025.
As part of the organization’s emphasis on community projects, members turned in their tally sheets for volunteer hours. They also turned in collected school supplies and canned food items. Items collected included 21 bags of canned foods, 34 bags of school supplies and items for the backpack program, and $20.00 cash. Members also delivered six carry-out lunches to members unable to attend. Canned goods were taken to Petrie Memorial Methodist Church following the meeting, and school supplies were deliv-ered to TCMS.
Following discussion of the Kimbler Scholarship and the Bourgard Funds, two state initiatives, Frances Traughber moved, and Peg Coots seconded, the association contribute $25.00 to each of these efforts. Members were also asked to send nominations for the Frank R. Hatfield Volunteer of the Year Award to President Holder in the next few weeks. A motion to add $50.00 in honor of the late Virginia Howard to the $500.00 Todd County Retired Teachers’ Association Scholarship was made by Angela Judy and seconded by Peg Coots.
The next scheduled meeting of the Todd County Retired Teachers’ Association will be on Tuesday, February 11, 2025, at the Guthrie Senior Citizens’ Center.