Facebook Rules of Engagement
Elgin Independent School District provides the EISD Elgin Middle School page for the district and community. Its purpose remains rooted in providing information about the district, celebrating the achievements of our students and staff, and providing updates about issues and events that impact our campuses. EISD aims to remain transparent on social media, but
comments and posts that violate the rules will be evaluated for possible removal from view. The EISD page administrators monitor all postings of comments and discussion items to ensure the privacy and rights of Elgin ISD students and staff are protected and respected. EISD page administrators reserve the right to hide all postings that violate the privacy of students and staff or conflict with the district’s guidelines regarding internet access and practices. However, a posting may be removed from view if it:
• Breaks the law – to include copyright and fair use law – or encourages others to do so.
• Contains abusive or inappropriate language or statements, to include but not limited to racist, homophobic, sexist, obscene or sexually explicit remarks.
• Easily identifies students and/or staff in defamatory, abusive or generally negative terms.
• Does not show proper consideration for others’ privacy or respect.
• Is considered to likely offend or provoke others into arguments or hate speech.
• Deviates from the subject matter of the original post
• Advertises or promotes a product or service for personal gain. All discussion posts may be deleted after a 30-day period in order to maintain the most current information of the EISD Elgin Middle School page. Elgin ISD is not responsible for user-generated content and the opinions expressed in that content do not necessarily reflect those of EISD. To report an inappropriate comment you have seen on our page, please e-mail Elgin ISD Communications Coordinator Marcial Guajardo at [email protected] . Although the EISD page administrators aim to provide feedback to Facebook comments, they may not be able to reply to every comment. If you have a specific question or concern, please contact your campus or the district office. Our thanks to everyone who follows Elgin ISD in the best interest of our students.