Mind reader ?????
You are sitting at a restaurant. The man at the adjoining table says to you, "Abblat vecru destopous mecrat, nexol drestant wattou."
You sit in blank incomprehension. The man gets up, comes to your table, and smacks you in the face.
He had said, in a language you could not comprehend, "Hand me the salt, or I'll hit your face."
Not very fair, do you think?
But this is what thousands and thousands of riders do to thousands and thousands of horses every single day.
They make a "request" in a "language" that the horse does not understand, and then they punish the horse for "failing to obey" the request.
Unless the horse has been carefully taught that such and such a series of physical stimuli are requesting certain responses from him, and unless the rider applies those stimuli in ways that the horse recognizes, but also applies them carefully enough so as not to create discomfort or anxiety, it will be obvious that the horse has been put into a similar situation as the person at the table, and can not comply with something he does not understand.
And so he gets hit, or kicked, or yanked in the mouth, by a rider who is also often saying things like, '"This stupid horse is being a brat---He won't do what I want.----Stop being a pig."
And so on. And the riders who do these kinds of things wonder why the horses they ride are nervous and unresponsive and being "bad?"
Truly, there is so much idiocy out there in La-La Land, uneducated riders on untrained horses, the first group blaming and punishing the second for not "doing what I want" and concluding from that fact that the horse is "being bad," and therefore worthy of being punished.
If this describes anyone you know, perhaps, tactfully, you might suggest that they get some help from a well educated trainer, because it will be a help to their horses. They may well write you off for being as stupid as the horse to dare suggest that they do not know all there is about riding, but at least you will have tried, for the sake of the horse.