In our final Not the Smartest Guys in the Room episode of 2024, as is our holiday tradition, we handed out the ultimate gift: lumps of coal.
My top pick? Folks who can’t be bothered to Google simple questions. Look, unless you’re dealing with a life-or-limb internet crisis, I’m not your personal Google Assistant. Pull out your phone, type it in, and spare us all.
Seriously, let’s make 2025 the year we all take ownership of basic Googling. Deal?
To everyone who tuned in, laughed with us, and maybe even got called out—thank you!
Dom and I had a blast this year in NTSG and we have all of you to thank.
Have a Merry Christmas, Happy Holidays, and we’ll see you back on January 1st, 9:30 AM EST for another year of laughs, lessons, and even more lumps of coal.
#NotTheSmartestGuysInTheRoom #HolidayFun #GoogleIt #SeeYouIn2025
Not The Smartest Guys In The Room
Join the conversation as we talk building brands and sharing your story with a panel of experts, doers, and difference makers. Ask a question, share a tip, network, or just catch some positive vibes every Wednesday morning at 9:30am EST
Hosted by Dominick Domasky of Motivation Champs and Tom Langan of Talex Media.
Dominick Domasky is the founder of Motivation Champs and he’s on a mission to share inspiration, smiles, and positivity 24/7 and help others do the same.
Tom Langan is the founder of Talex Media, a mission driven media production company focused on humanizing the world of business through better communication.
Connect with Dominick @motivationchamps and Tom @talexmediallc across social media.
Not The Smartest Guys In The Room
Join the conversation as we talk building brands and sharing your story with a panel of experts, doers, and difference makers. Ask a question, share a tip, network, or just catch some positive vibes every Wednesday morning at 9:30am EST
Hosted by Dominick Domasky of Motivation Champs and Tom Langan of Talex Media.
Dominick Domasky is the founder of Motivation Champs and he’s on a mission to share inspiration, smiles, and positivity 24/7 and help others do the same.
Tom Langan is the founder of Talex Media, a mission driven media production company focused on humanizing the world of business through better communication.
Connect with Dominick @motivationchamps and Tom @talexmediallc across social media.
“Stay in your lane!” Ever hear that one?
I haven’t gotten that DM yet, but I can imagine it happening. In fact, I bet someone out there has seen some of my content and thought, “What do you know about business? You’re just some video guy!”
Here’s my answer:
Yes, I’m the “video guy.” I own cameras, create visuals, and produce killer content. But I also own a business. I’ve managed multi-million-dollar projects, authored a book, and built a toolkit packed with skills that extend far beyond just hitting that red “record” button.
All of that informs the way I think, the way I work, and the way I talk about business. It’s not about staying in a lane. It’s about using every tool in the box to deliver authentic, meaningful work.
And guess what? I know I’m not everyone’s cup of tea—and that’s okay. The internet is huge. If my content doesn’t resonate with you, there’s someone else out there who might. But I’m not here to make everyone happy. That’s a fool’s errand.
I’m here to show up as myself. Authentically. Unapologetically. Every. Single. Time.
So, what’s in your toolbox? And how are you using it to stay authentic?
#Authenticity #BusinessStrategy #ContentCreation #Legendeering #TalexMediaLLC
Not The Smartest Guys In The Room
Join the conversation as we talk building brands and sharing your story with a panel of experts, doers, and difference makers. Ask a question, share a tip, network, or just catch some positive vibes every Wednesday morning at 9:30am EST
Hosted by Dominick Domasky of Motivation Champs and Tom Langan of Talex Media.
Dominick Domasky is the founder of Motivation Champs and he’s on a mission to share inspiration, smiles, and positivity 24/7 and help others do the same.
Tom Langan is the founder of Talex Media, a mission driven media production company focused on humanizing the world of business through better communication.
Connect with Dominick @motivationchamps and Tom @talexmediallc across social media.
Perfection is a prison.
What makes you memorable isn’t a polished, picture-perfect version of yourself. It’s the quirks, the stumbles, and the moments where your humanity shines. That’s what builds trust. That’s what creates connection.
When you’re chasing trends or mimicking others, you’re not just losing your voice—you’re losing your audience. Trends are fleeting.
Authenticity is sticky.
Think about it like this: if you’re stranded on the side of the road, those “trendy” followers will just keep driving. But the people you’ve built real, meaningful relationships with - the ones who have seen the real you - they’re the ones who’ll stop to help.
Are you stuck in a prison of perfection, or are you showing up as the real you?
#Legendeering #AuthenticityMatters #BeReal #ContentThatConnects
Not The Smartest Guys In The Room
oin the conversation as we talk building brands and sharing your story with a panel of experts, doers, and difference makers. Ask a question, share a tip, network, or just catch some positive vibes every Wednesday morning at 9:30am EST
Hosted by Dominick Domasky of Motivation Champs and Tom Langan of Talex Media.
Dominick Domasky is the founder of Motivation Champs and he’s on a mission to share inspiration, smiles, and positivity 24/7 and help others do the same.
Tom Langan is the founder of Talex Media, a mission driven media production company focused on humanizing the world of business through better communication.
Connect with Dominick @motivationchamps and Tom @talexmediallc across social media.
Building a sustainable brand isn’t just about what you sell—it’s about how people feel about supporting you.
When your audience feels good about choosing your brand, amazing things happen. They keep coming back, they tell their friends, and suddenly, you’ve got an engaged community that’s growing and thriving.
It’s not just about loyalty; it’s about advocacy. That emotional connection is what turns a one-time customer into a long-term champion.
So here’s the question: how are you making people feel good about saying “yes” to your brand?
#BrandBuilding #CommunityMatters #CustomerExperience
It’s easy to say you know your audience, you?
Understanding isn’t just about demographic data or insights from market research—it’s about stepping into your customers’ shoes, truly seeing their challenges, and meeting them with solutions that resonate.
Genuine understanding doesn’t just help you, sell a product; it allows you to build trust, loyalty, and a relationship with your customers that goes deeper than transactions. That’s how legendary brands are made.
So, if you want to lead with empathy and real connection, start by asking better questions, listening closely, and showing up in a way that makes a difference - for your audience.
#Legendeering #BrandBuilding #CustomerFirst
Let’s talk about success in business. Too often, we picture it as some big finish line—like we’re racing to “make it” somewhere. But here’s the truth: there is no finish line.
Success isn’t about reaching a destination; it’s about making steady progress, year after year. It’s about staying the course, building something sustainable that keeps growing over time.
So, when it gets difficult, remember this: success is in each step forward, in every bit of progress you make. Keep moving, keep pushing. Because in business and in life, real success is a journey that never ends.
#Legendeering #KeepGoing #BusinessJourney
Not The Smartest Guys In The Room
Join the conversation as we talk building brands and sharing your story with a panel of experts, doers, and difference makers. Ask a question, share a tip, network, or just catch some positive vibes every Wednesday morning at 9:30am EST
Hosted by Dominick Domasky of Motivation Champs and Tom Langan of Talex Media.
Dominick Domasky is the founder of Motivation Champs and he’s on a mission to share inspiration, smiles, and positivity 24/7 and help others do the same.
Tom Langan is the founder of Talex Media, a mission driven media production company focused on humanizing the world of business through better communication.
Connect with Dominick @motivationchamps and Tom @talexmediallc across social media.
Debating policies, politicians and political affiliations is pointless if we don’t vote. Proud to have done my part—now it’s your turn!
Today is the day - make sure you make your voice is heard!
#VoteToday #ElectionDay #ivoted