Sometimes the best thing we can do with our horses is give up. I have spent most of my time chasing Dot… physically sometimes, mentally always. When I was sitting with her the other day, I opened a channel. She asked me to stop chasing her and that she will come to me when she is ready. My desperation and frustration physically drove her away. The closeness and relationship I desperately wanted was always just out of reach… I told so many stories about her, about us to justify what was happening. I pushed her further and further away with who I was being. I reached a breaking point.And I gave up. I surrendered. I started to listen without judgement and accept what I was feeling about her and us. I let her know how much I love her and that I was willing to step away for a time so we can rebuild. And I am willing to wait and give her the time she needs to trust me.This was such a powerful reminder that Universe wants us to stop chasing what we want and choose to surrender. This is the way to manifest everything we have ever wanted 🙏🏼🪽 #manifestation #channeledwisdom #horse #wisewords #wisehorse #horsegirl #horsetraining #intuition #intuitivegift #universe #surrender #intuitioncoach #sustainablybalancedequine
“Perfect” isn’t even real, so stop letting it get in the way of you enjoying your horse 🫶🏻 Do you struggle with perfectionism around your horsemanship? Follow me for more tips on how to overcome it! 👏🏻#horsegirl #horse #horsegirlpsa #horsetipsandtricks #horsetips #fyp #equestrianmindset #equestrianlife #horses #cute #perfect #sustainablybalancedequine
The key to the fairytale relationship with your horse is not in any external source!!! It’s INSIDE of you! Your big beautiful brain is what runs the show. Learning how to consciously shape my experience has completely changed my ENTIRE life, relationships with horses included. 🦄🦋🤯 How magical is that?! #horsemanship #horsemanshiptips #horsemanshipjourney #learningjourney #equestrianmindset #horse #magic #magichorse #selfimprovement #fyp #sustainablybalancedequine
Here’s what I do to address this as a craniosacral practitioner… What you can do as an owner for cranial nerve impingement 🙂 - Make sure tack fits well- Make sure you’re getting dentals in an appropriate amount of time - Make sure your horse doesnt have excess inflammation due to diet or stress - Hire a craniosacral therapist 😋#horse #equinebodywork #nerves #neevoussystem #craniosacraltherapist #fyp #sustainablybalancedequine
The more time I spend in nature the more times I am shown how connected we all are. We are all energetic beings. We are POWERFUL. Own this! 🦄 The impact this realization has had on my life is breathtaking 🙏🏼 Imagine what you could accomplish with your horse, a wealth of inutition and energetic communication, if you took ownership of your VERY SAME powers 🔥 #energy #waterfall #breath #breathwork #healingjourney #intuition #intuitivegifts #everythingisconnected #sustainablybalancedequine
Trimming is super fun, even with all of the little distractions 😍
It’s so weirdly satisfying to pull the Easycare Versas off 🤤 #asmr #easycare #easycareversagrip #satisfying #sosatisfying #peeling #farrier
Hooves are adaptable structures. They respond to the external and internal environments in order to best support the horse. Each trim decision I make is an effort to optimize the hoof for the individual horse. In a distorted hoof, it’s a petition to realign structures that desperately seek balance.
Beyond the analysis, I seek the horse’s opinion over it all. The way the horse acknowledges my presence, or completely tunes me out. The way they give their feet time and time again, even if they’ve kicked the previous farrier or required sedation in the past for hoofcare. The way they settle more weight into their hoof when I’ve made a good change that supports their internal structures.
The more open I become, the more they have to teach me about themselves.
My work is not about adhering to a strict set of rules on what a hoof or a trim should look like. My question is for the horse- How does it feel? What else can I do for you?
#horse #horsemanship #farrier #peaceful #barefoottrimmer #barefoottrim #sustainablybalancedequine
How I spent my 2022… and also how I plan to spend my 2023 🤤🤤🤤
#satisfying #asmr #farrier #horse #hooftrimming
Horses who have relationships with humans are well acquainted with humans having agendas. The hustle and bustle of barn life creates a largely human centric idea of what horses should and shouldn’t do to be “well behaved”. This is especially true for farrier work. Horses who need extra time due to limited physical or mental capacity are made the brunt of this dynamic. They don’t understand the human idea of time. Pushing them over their limits in order to keep appointments or save time can end in disaster.As a farrier, I have been guilty of this in the past. If I don’t schedule my day with ample time to give each horse, I rush to finish and I’ve always got my mind on the clock. My mind is a million miles away from the horse and the trim. I forget to listen to the feedback and let the horse have breaks from standing on three legs for a long time.This sometimes creates a horse that doesn’t want to stand for hoofcare. The horse starts to struggle or fight, my work comes out rushed, the horse’s feedback is along the lines of “Thanks for nothing”, and I feel exhausted and frustrated. Changing my perspective and dropping my agenda immediately changes that. Intention is everything. This is the difference between “You’re going to do this whether you like it or not” and “Would you like me to make your feet more comfortable?”When I’m starting to feel that familiar frustration and impatience in myself, I’ve been practicing taking a second to breathe and center myself back into my body. I change my intention to helping that specific horse. It takes the time that it takes. I become more patient and make corrections faster. Nothing else matters except me, the work, and how the horse feels about it. The changes are instantaneous when I focus my energy solely on this. The cherry on top is that trims always go faster this way. The horses stand better and tell me clearly if my trim is working for them or not, and what I can do to better it. Behaviors
Trimming doesn’t have to be hard.
It doesn’t have to be a struggle every time a horse has to pick their feet up for a routine trim. It’s unnecessary for wrestling between the farrier and the horse.
They don’t have to be sedated every time the farrier comes out.
I don’t mean I am anti-sedation for trims. The situation I am talking about is the dependence on it for regular hoofcare for reasons like “He’s always hated picking up his right front hoof and snatches it away”. Or even worse, “We don’t ever trim his back feet because he won’t let anyone near his hind end”.
Frequently a refusal to stand and give a foot is due to pain, fear, or both. A vast majority of horses are not choosing to irritate the humans by making farrier day absolute hell for all involved.
If your horse is refusing to pick up the same leg every single trim, there is a reason.
If your horse struggles to hold their leg up for longer than 5 seconds, there is a reason.
If your horse’s leg is a million pounds in your hands, there is a reason.
If your horse cannot pick up a front limb without resting a hind limb, there is a reason.
I feel horses balance as I work. They wobble, shake, twist, untwist, lean. Sometimes it’s everything they can do to stay upright.
Dysfunctional patterns in the body are mirrored in the hooves. There’s only so much trimming can do before tension in the body inhibits proper hoof balance.
Long periods of dysfunctional movement create pathology. Like water carving out stone, over a long time, soft tissue shapes bones.
Frequent bodywork aimed to balance the body and release tension can break this cycle. Hoof balance and posture go hand in hand. I frequently offer exercises to clients to practice to support their horses for trims.
I have a certificate in biomechanics and seek to identify postural patterns that influence the hoof. I assess the entire body’s static and dynamic balance. Whole horse assessments are available upon r