Well…I was gonna do an intro to some new fish for this tank, but the black ghost knife had other plans. Some of you remember that Geophagus Tapajos were one of the first fish we had on this journey, and thanks to @aquatic_galleria they’re back and doing great! They were on our original logo, and one of my favorite fish probably ever. The black ghost knife is on our current logo and another one of our favorites! We usually feed them at night because it brings the nocturnal tank mates out and it’s fun to watch.
#Fish #FishKeeping #FishFam #Hobbyists #Aquarium #Aquariums #Plants #PlantedTank #AquaticPlants #Aquascapes #Aquascaping #Addicted #Fun #Cichlids #FLFishKeeping #FL #TampaBay #Dunedin #MTS #TFG #FreshwaterAquarium #FishTank #FishBreeding #Corydora #Mollies #Geophagus #AquariumLife #NanoFish #NanoTanks #NanoAquariums
Some new additions after getting past this tank’s (almost) crash. These are red neon blue eyed rainbows (Pseudomugil luminatus)!! I’ve been a big fan of these for a while and have had my eye on them ever since I saw them at Aquatic Galleria and once we were able to confirm that the tank was safe, I definitely wanted to see these in here. They’re amazing colors with the blue eyes among the greenery of plants is almost unmatched. Here you can see the males sparring over females which is a unique display to watch!! You can also see cameos from sterbai corys, the rubberlip pleco, and a pea puffer (also new). It’s been nice to enjoy this tank again after losing almost everything in it and the frustration that comes with that. #Fish #FishKeeping #FishFam #Hobbyists #Aquarium #Aquariums #Plants #PlantedTank #AquaticPlants #Aquascapes #Aquascaping #Addicted #Fun #Cichlids #FLFishKeeping #FL #TampaBay #Dunedin #MTS #TFG #FreshwaterAquarium #FishTank #FishBreeding #Corydora #Mollies #Geophagus #AquariumLife #NanoFish #NanoTanks #NanoAquariums
A fun Emmett Update…he’s grown so much and his personality is really starting to come out! He was just hanging out and I startled him when I pulled my phone out of my pocket 🤣. I also had him in my office with Frodo and Ruthie for a bit and Ruthie got so jealous she jumped down from her play top! (She didn’t get hurt, just made her point lol 🙈)
“Oh he’s just a baby, he must not be too loud” he’s by far the loudest and largest of the birds we have, and still just a baby🤣🤣🤣
#BabyEmett #BabyCockatoo #Cockatoo #CockatoosofInstagram #UmbrellaCockatoo #MoluccanCockatoo #Mobrella #Parrot #ParrotsofInstagram
Another fun update, Baby Emmett has learned how to fly!! He’s been flying all through the house today, and we started trying to teach him to land on our arms. So far, he only did it once and crashed a few times, but we’re working on it!
#Emmett #Cockatoo #CockatoosofInstagram #UmbrellaCockatoo #MoluccanCockatoo #Mobrella
Casanova gets very vocal right before bedtime. Dad thinks it’s the cutest so he antagonizes him from the other room. The sounds and voices that come out of this boy are hysterical so I was pretty excited to be able to get some of this on video. ❤️
#Casanova #AfricanGrey #CongoAfricanGrey #Parrot #Cockatoo #LesserSulphurCrestedCockatoo #Umbrella #Moluccan #MoBrella #MumBrella #featheredkids
The corys spawned for us before, trying to make it happen again because who doesn’t love cory babies? 😍 #Fish #FishKeeping #FishFam #Hobbyists #Aquarium #Aquariums #Plants #PlantedTank #AquaticPlants #Aquascapes #Aquascaping #Addicted #Fun #Cichlids #FLFishKeeping #FL #TampaBay #Dunedin #MTS #TFG #FreshwaterAquarium #FishTank #FishBreeding #Corydora #Mollies #Geophagus #AquariumLife #NanoFish #NanoTanks #NanoAquariums
One of our colored up Parosphromenus Batu Pahat males making an appearance on #DetritusThursday 😍😍😍
#FishKeeping #FishFam #Hobbyists #Aquarium #Aquariums #Plants #PlantedTank #AquaticPlants #Aquascapes #Aquascaping #Addicted #Fun #Cichlids #FLFishKeeping #FL #TampaBay #Dunedin #MTS #TFG #FreshwaterAquarium #FishTank #FishBreeding #Botanicals #BotanicalAquarium #BlackwaterAquarium #AquariumLife #NanoFish #NanoTanks #NanoAquariums
So far we’ve learned that out of all the ingredients we’ve given him or shown him in his chop (fresh fruit/veggies) mixes, his favorites thus far are apples, green beans, and red bell peppers. He’s also added “Boone, “Yep” and “Back Up” to his vocabulary since coming home.
#FrodoFriday #Fish #FishKeeping #FishFam #Hobbyists #Aquarium #Aquariums #Plants #PlantedTank #AquaticPlants #Aquascapes #Aquascaping #Addicted #Fun #Cichlids #FLFishKeeping #FL #TampaBay #Dunedin #MTS #TFG #FreshwaterAquarium #FishTank #FishBreeding #AquariumLife #NanoFish #NanoTanks #NanoAquariums
Our Firemouth showing off! He’s the first fish we put in the 75 gallon, and we got him when he was tiny with almost no color. Also in this video you can see our Roseline Sharks, Jurupari, Diamond tetras, and one of our breeding pair of Geophagus Pyrocephalus (Tapajos). It’s been amazing to watch them all grow and thrive so far!
#Fish #FishKeeping #FishFam #Hobbyists #Aquarium #Aquariums #Plants #PlantedTank #AquaticPlants #Aquascapes #Aquascaping #Addicted #Fun #Cichlids #FLFishKeeping #FL #TampaBay #Dunedin #MTS #TFG #FreshwaterAquarium #FishTank #FishBreeding #Corydora #Mollies #Geophagus #AquariumLife #NanoFish #NanoTanks #NanoAquariums