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If Question 5 in Massachusetts passes, you can say goodbye to your favorite bartenders and servers, and soon thereafter to your favorite pub. A YES vote will require restaurants to increase the minimum hourly wage for tipped employees to $15, over the next 4 years. A NO vote will leave it the way it is. Any competent server or bartender makes far more the way it is today, thanks to our incredibly generous customers, whose tip level increases dramatically based on the excellence of the service. If Question 5 passes, three things will happen: 1) the best servers and bartenders will leave the business because their wages will shrink; 2) customers' bills will skyrocket -- a $13 cheeseburger will rise to $20, a $25 entree to $35 or $40; and 3) a significant percentage of business owners will lose money, and close their doors. The only people in favor of this passing are the uninformed and the unskilled. VOTE NO ON QUESTION 5.