8 Days Away
#fortheloveofhiphop #legendarymong #newrapmusic #newhiphopmusic #rapmusic #rapmusician #hiphopmusic #musicmarketing #visualizer visualizer #smoothraps #8daysaway
When it's cold π₯Ά and/or snowing π¨ and don't wanna do it you still got to do it
#countmeout #behindthescenes #behindtgescenesvideo
Even the snow βοΈ can't count me out
#countmeout #legendarymong #fierce #smooth #hiphop #rap #newhiphopmusic #newrapmusic #louisianasnow #donaldsonvillesnow #louisianasnow2025 #fyp
We all have been dooped
#tiktokban #lemon8ban #tiktokbanned #lemon8banned #finished
I was the man then and I'm still HIM now ππβ¨οΈ
#countmeout #fyp #legendarymong #whatsthefussabout #hiphopmusic
I remember the first time I met this girl named hip hop....
#rapmusic #fortheloveofhiphop #newhiphopmusic #newrapmusic
Put in the work, still counted out. Watch me rise. #countmeout #legendarymong #nolimits #riseabove #underdog #neverbackdown #reebokquestion #nbhthelabel ##nbhenterprise #nothingbuthitsenterprise
Time heels all wounds
#closefriends #newhiphopmusic #newrapmusic #rap #hiphop #fypγ· #nonewfriends #legendarymong
Everyone wants to be a Yung Shiner but afraid to take on the tasks
#yungshiner #betterview #rackingandstacking #hiphopmusic #donaldsonvillerapper #louisianarapper #rapmusicvideo #musicvideo #fyp #legendarymong #musicmarketing
If you looking for someone to compete with count me out #countmeout #unsignedartist #studio
No matter what no one say, you can never #countmeout #promotionalcontent #newmusicmonday #hiphopmusician
It's not over when you lose It's over when you quit #micdrop #promotionalcontent #rappingskillsonpoint