Starting this fall, we will have electronic payments and billing! That means you can also view and pay your bill online, which is exciting to everyone, us included! This will eliminate the mail issues and us having to call you to prevent late fees or disconnects.
Since the beginning of time, all accounts followed the policy below. New accounts that were not grandfathered in had to put a deposit down and complete the below application. When we started having major mail issues, I asked the council to temporarily allow the due date to be moved back to the 15th, even though all contracts stated the 10th. This grace period allowed me to remove late fees from accounts, it was not meant to be pushed back again to a further date. In a perfect world, having the extra days were great. However, this caused confusion on an account and we addressed it at the meeting. To correct the issue and follow the contracts, the water bills will go out every month before the 25th. Until we get electronic billing up and running, if you do not receive your bill, call or text me. I can drop it off or email it to you. All water bills in September are due on the 10th. I will go off of the postmarked date. An account holder dropped off her water bill at the post office this month on the 15th, it was postmarked and put in our post office box. Her account was the perfect example of a fast turnaround time. I communicated with her, it was super easy and seamless.
On another note, I was calling people out of courtesy. We do not want any account disconnected and I went above and beyond to prevent that. I am a full time RN, with a family, the water gig is just a side deal. All of the people that are in the workings of city business are trying to juggle things. We are not full time employees. It may not always be perfect, but we are trying to offset and prevent additional rate increases that we have had to pay from up the line and the state. We are also trying to juggle the large amount of leaks and projects we have going on.
Again, we thank you! Living in a small town has its ups and downs. But, we are all available anytime anyone has ever reached out to us, no matter the day or time.