Here's an invitation from our comrades at Slingshot, one of the few remaining anarchist print publications, to think about how we organize for future resistance and rebellion.
Consider writing a short 100-word first-person response to one of these 3 questions -- we want to print a collection of short responses to reinforce that none of us are alone. Please include a pen name and which city you're in.
"what are you doing to organize with those in your community to promote liberation"
"what visions of a new world can you articulate that can move the conversation beyond reacting to our oppressors"
"what keeps you present, engaged and able to keep struggling for a better world?"
* This platform is not secure so send emails to "slingshotcollective [at] protonmail dot com."
Slingshot wants to publish an extra visionary / inspiring issue existing at the same time as and parallel to recent events without getting caught up in all of the details of each new yuck and rather speaking to the mood - which for some people feels negative, overwhelming and hostile. Possible theme - "a beacon of light / message in a bottle". Slingshot usually prints 24,000 copies and mails them to all 50 states. If the zine turns out good, we may print 30,000 responding to increased demand.
We're also looking for focused / heart-filled / articles addressing:
-- practical tips for grassroots immigrant defense and first hand accounts of community organizing and resilience.
-- first person expressions of trans defiance and existence
-- tales of how folks are responding to attacks on reproductive rights / abortion
-- practical guides to the psychology of resistance / how to avoid overwhelm, exhaustion, fear and paralysis
-- general analytical critiques of the billionaire bro oligarchy white supremacy
-- eco-direct action and how communities are defending the earth and the climate
-- and related topics -- emphasis on analysis promoting unique and deeper understanding not just repeating news or the typical progressive line -- expressed in a personal, funny, passionate way if you can.
Slingshot Collective publishes an independent radical newspaper and the annual Slingshot Organizer