Be-Moor Radio is a new communications company designed to reach and impact the millennial generation. We were founded in 2015 through a collaboration with the Brightmoor Community Center in Detroit. The Brightmoor Community Center is located in of one the most challenged neighborhoods not only in Detroit but the United States. Our founding team of young people and members of our Advisory Board rea
lized that hundreds of millions of dollars was being spent to improve the quality of life for residents in Brightmoor but in the end it was nearly impossible to identify quantitative or qualitative change. Therefore if effective and transformative change would take place it would be up to the millineial generation to both engage and advocate for themselves. We can "be-moor" and we should expect more from and for ourselves. Be-Moor Radio is more than a radio station, we're an edutainment movement for change. Be-Moor Radio is LC3 Michigan Corporation committed to social enterprise for change. The organization is guided by an intergenerational Board of Directors who operates with a double bottom line to both generate revenue but also to advocate, engage and support transformative change in the lives of millineials in Brightmoor. Because Be-Moor Radio is internet based, we are extremely excited to connect with likeminded individuals around the world to promote transformative change not only in the Detroit area but worldwide. The spirit of Be-Moor Radio is entrepreneurial as we take and brand our communications concept from nothing to a viable venture serving the entertainment desires and needs of a new generation. Everyday we strive to be the baseline of the city's rhythm and "edutain" our listeners to not just be passive citizens but to engage and Be-Moor. The beauty of team is in-touch with the rhythm of the city and you'll hear new music by artist both from Detroit and around the world that you just won't hear on traditional radio.