PATRICK & PAUL GRAHAM offer Opening Prayer - 1988
This is a sneak preview of an hour long vudeo that we are working on, that shares and relives some of the best Moran Hall Memories from 1984 - 1990. In this clip the Graham Brothers give opening prayer after their comedy act for the Freshman Gong Show back in 1988.
Re-Formatted, Remixed, Re-ediTed
A Riveting Performance by Chris Willis singing "When You Pray" recorded at the Huntsville First SDA Church.
@followers @topfans
Claude McKnight - TAKE 6. Back In 1980 Remix
Back in 1990, Take 6's founder of the Grammy Winning Acapella Band would often be asked in TV interviews
how TAKE 6 got started. Claude McKnight would inevitably start the story with Back in 1980......
( Edited by Ted PreciousMemories Rivers )
#take6 #oakapella @followers #acapella
First SDA Church Inspirational Choir with Eleanor Wright
I'm sure First Church Inspirational Choir director Cleveland Wilson would agree that this 1992 performance with Eleanor Wright singing solo on A Better Day, (a song she composed), was a highlight of their 50 year existence. For those who don't know, Eleanor along with the Blend Wright Trio and the Dale Wright Memorial Church in Germantown, Ohio, almost singlehandly made gospel music "legal" in the SDA denomination back in the late 60s and 70s.
@followers @topfans
OAA Angels Aware 35th Anniversary Presentation
OAKWOOD ADVENTIST ACADEMY 35th Anniversary Presentation of ANGELS AWARE!
(This video was transferred from a Low Definition VHS tape, but is being presented because of its historical significance)
@followers @topfans
Presented by Ted PreciousMemories Rivers
Oakwood Adventist Academy 35TH ANNIVERSARY of ANGELS AWARE PREVIEW. The entire program will be presented on this Precious Memories from Oakwood College page on 12/23/24
National Oakwood Adventist Academy Alumni Association
Another Black In The Day Adventist Productions Christmas Gift Idea!
Sit back and relax during this extended HIGHLIGHT VIDEO that showcases the Oakwood College/University Alumni Homecoming Reunion Concerts during the Von Braun Auditorium years from 1987 thru 1992 and 1999 hosted by Comedian Jonathan Slocumb and Linda Anderson. STAY LOCKED IN TO THIS CLIP FOR THE SURPRISE ENDING! 😁
You can RELIVE all of these moments by purchasing our limited edition PRECIOUS MEMORIES FROM THE OAKS 12-hour 7 DVD set, now at a remarkable Christmas gift price of only $40! CLICK ON THIS LINK TO ORDER: This exclusive DVD compilation features some of the most talented artists, groups, and choirs from the 70's, 80's, and 90's that performed during Oakwood University's Annual Alumni/Homecoming Weekend concerts from 1987-1992 & 1999. So don't miss this opportunity to own a piece of history, as we prepare to convert this video collection into a digital format for on-demand streaming in 2025. Get your hands on this Collectible timeless treasure while supplies last! These DVDs will be treasured as a great collectible Christmas gift for a loved one or Oakwood alum. Proceeds go to support our non-profit listener supported ACAPELLA gospel radio station.
By the way, please feel free to SHARE or TAG any friend or loved ones who you see participating in these concerts decades ago. (See the list below who are represented in this presentation). Stay tuned for the SURPRISE ENDING at the end of this video.
This 47 minute highlight video features a plethora of Artists, Groups, and Choirs that performed at the Homecoming concerts held at the Von Braun Civic Center during the 1980's and 90s. Featured in the order of their appearance are Wintley Phipps, Alliance/TAKE 6, Janice Chandler-Etume, The Lloyd Mallory Singers, Brian McKnight, Anthony Whigham and the Way Back When Quintet, Chris Willis, Nevea
Now only $40 for the complete set at
Dynamic Praise 1991/2024 "Victory Shall Be Mine"
This PreciousMemories Video was 33 YEARS in the making! I have never worked on a song that has personally blessed and encouraged me so much while working on it, considering its relevance to the disappointment many of us have experienced days before this was posted. Featured is DUAWNE STARLING with DYNAMIC PRAISE starting with a 1991 Performance and ending with a 2024 flash-forward of "VICTORY SHALL BE MINE. Its directed by the originator of DP Owen Simons. Thanks to the Madison Mission Church Production Team for participating in this project. This was also re-edited by Ted PreciousMemories Rivers, who was instrumental in dragging a reluctant and humble Duawne up out of the congregation to bless us with this much needed message in song during Dynamic Praise's 35th Dynamic Praise Reunion Singsperation. Please stay tuned for the anticipated "transition" that takes place midway through the video.
@followers #DynamicPraise
Due to the many friends and family that have departed this life very recently, E'EN SO LORD JESUS QUICKLY COME has become a song that is very relevant.😢 Thank God that "Joy Will Come In The Mornin"