2 Years Ago I had My Miracle Liver Transplant - Fr. Richard Dalton
Dear Friends,
Two years ago, family and many friends were very concerned as I was losing more and more, in terms of mobility, energy, and even clarity of mind, as the disease took its toll. Many were praying for me. We were aware that the waiting list is long, and available livers for transplants are few. We did get the good news that I was added to the list for a transplant two days before Christmas 2021.
On the last Sunday of February 2022, we were at His Church Anglican in Livonia; I was feeling quite ill, and Fr. Allen Kannapell brought me communion as I sat in the back pew and he prayed for me. After the service, a wonderful prayer warrior (Rosemary) who had prayed for me before asked if she could pray for me again, she laid her hand on my shoulder, and as she prayed she asked, “Lord, give Fr. Richard, a new liver, THIS WEEK!”
Well, that week on Thursday my daughter Sarah and her husband, Matt were downtown at Henry Ford Hospital getting final approval for Sarah to donate her partal liver for me. Sarah and Mat made the decision that they would proceed in that direction. That very day in the evening of March 3rd around 10 pm, we got a surprising call that a matching liver had become available. We were told the donor was a brain-dead patient, between 30 and 40 years of age, and were instructed to be at the hospital at 6 am for the 9-hour transplant surgery.
We’ve been told by many in the medical field what a miracle it was to get a matching liver so soon. We are so grateful to the donor and family, and Rosemary's wonderful prayer of faith. What a great gift!
Recently the option to be added has been added to the Michigan Tax Returns in addition to Driver Renewals. You could save a life. For more information go to:
https://www.lookupdetroit.com/organquestion/ my little page of videos and resources
blessings, Fr. Richard Dalton +