I never went to school for nor did I ever receive any training in journalism. That’s pretty obvious if you check out my website and the way I run my page. It’s all raw.
But one thing I’ve always done since day one was to make sure I credited people who created the content that I shared if it wasn’t my own. If I could not immediately find the original creator, I made that known, but as soon as someone came forth, claiming it, they always get the credit immediately.
If I spent the time in the effort to create that content that I wouldn’t feel very good if someone was to take it and call it their own. But I guess with any sort of success comes those who are jealous or those who are more than happy to imitate. After all they say imitation is the sincerest form of flattery.
So let’s bring in Alex from 12Nascar43, a page with a little over 15,000 followers here on Facebook. Alex took screenshots off of an article that I spent many hours researching for directly off of my website and posted those cropped screenshots on his page. He was ever so careful to ensure that his crap job would leave out any source showing that they came from seriouslyfastmotorsports.com or seriouslyfastmedia.com got the time. When I reached out to him in the comment section or reached out directly, I was ignored.
So I put the link to the actual article in the comment section of his post for his followers to go and see the entire article instead of the bits and pieces. Well, he deleted the comment. I did it again and again, and he would delete them each time.
When there was some slight communication in his posts being shared into groups, his only response was “lol” before proceeding to block me so that I could not mess up his game.
Well, I still check in on him from time to time and he has gone from stealing content directly to just sharing photographs without crediting them, which is still pretty bad. Or at least until today when a friend reached out showing that he was back to his same old tricks, copy pasting other peoples posts, but tweaking a word here or there.
But I guess that’s the reason Bobby and I are credentialed through multiple different motorsports and Alex never will be. Because there’s a right way of doing things and a wrong way.