Meet Jonah, Jonah 1, Jonah 2, Jonah A, and Jonah B!
Headspace will be coming to a YouTube channel near you soon!
Happy Halloween! We hope you receive more treats than tricks on this Halloween night
The final part to our four part Rizzle horror series.
#horror #horrormovies #horrorshort #horrorseries #acehighproductions #michiganfilm #michiganfilmmakers #rizzle #48hfp #paranormal #ghosts #theladyinwhite #foundfootage #womenfilmmakers #femalefilmmakers #femaledirector #womendirectors #improv #dearborn #actors #screamqueens
The third installment to our short horror series.
#rizzle #shortfilm #series #webseries #horror #outofthewoods #acehighproductions #horrormovies #horrorshort #horrorfilm #ghost #paranormal #forest #dearborn #film #filmmaker #michiganfilm #michiganfilmindustry #womendirectors #femalefilmmakers #womenfilmmakers
The second part of our Rizzle short horror series
#rizzle #outofthewoods #horror #horrormovies #shorthorror #horroraddict #film #filmmaker #michiganfilm #michiganfilmmakers #michiganfilmindustry #dearborn #womendirectors #femalefilmmakers #theladyinwhite #ghost #paranormal #series #shortfilm #tobecontinued
The first episode of our newest horror project for a competition through the Rizzle app.
Stay tuned for episode 2!
#acehighproductions #rizzle #horror #horrormovies #horrorfilm #shortfilm #webseries #miniseries #outofthewoods #film #filmmaker #womendirectors #femalefilmmakers #femalefilmmakerfriday #staytuned #premiere #actor #setlife #michiganfilm #michiganfilmindustry #michiganfilmmakers #dearborn #nightshoot #filmfestival #filmcompetition #48hfp
Sometimes the bloopers to a film can be better than the film itself. This was definitely the case when we made out short horror for the Halloween 48HFP last year. But we all had fun making it, which is always important.
#bloopers #bts #behindthescenes #setlife #horror #horrormovies #shortfilm #detroit48hfp #horror48hfp #48hfp #acehighproductions #directorlife #femaledirector #femalefilmmakers #michiganfilmmakers #film #filmmaking #blooperreel #squadgoals
Our projects at Ace High Productions would be nothing without the wonderful musical contributions.
@dbdaniel93 has composed this beautiful score along with some others for us over the years.
You can check out more of his work here: @daltondanielmusic
#composer #composition #score #music #musician #musicislife #filmscore #film #filmmaking #johnwilliams #filmmaker #michiganfilmindustry #michiganfilmmakers #lochlomond #scotland #shortfilm #detroit48hfp #acehighproductions
A short collection of some of our best scenes and highlights from the projects we’ve finished so far.
#demo #demoreel #acehighproductions #shortfilm #film #filmmaker #director #femalefilmmakers #womendirectors #filmreel #michiganfilmindustry #michiganfilmmakers #detroit #lochlomond #50layersofcake #damestown #horror #history #comedy #drama #detroit48hfp #awardwinning #flashback #throwback #tbt #throwbackthursday #noir #blackandwhite
Your vote is super important and matters more than you know.
Go vote! Vote by mail, vote early, vote in person on November 3rd.
This is our submission for the @mnight challenge #votebynight
Director: @sarahfelicityroot
Assistant Director: @jsobczak1030
Editor: @sam_is_rocking
Costumes: @colinfranz @tpollack14
Makeup: @missbombaatomica
Music: Alex Meade
Photos: @beckykregel
Special thanks to @missbombaatomica and family for the use of the Model T
@joebiden @kamalaharris
#govote #vote2020 #voteforchange #votebymail #voteearly #votenow #acehighproductions #suffragette #psa #shortfilm #history #womensmarch #womenempowerment #womensrights #equalrights #votesforwomen #filmmaker #femalefilmmakers #womendirectors #femaledirector #michiganfilmindustry #michiganfilmmakers #detroit #setlife #directorslife #november3rd