Grandparents’ Rights Sabotaged
Grandparent Alienation involves two things: 1. Access blocking to keep the child from seeing their loving grandparent 2. Denigration and destruction of reputation to make the child dislike the grandparent. Both are severe child and elder abuse.— Fcebook.com/ find-my-grandparent
Even before their marriage, it was obvious that my son was over his head with a wife who had tendencies to control him and disrespect me. I rolled out the red carpet for them on their first visit when my granddaughters were seven, four, and nine months, or so. I provided them with a lovely condo, stocked the refrigerator, and invested a great deal of money to take the entire family to a nationally known amusement park. The following day, I had no choice but to flee their presence after some insane accusations. A few weeks later, I received a letter that my son was undoubtedly forced to write, that I was never welcome
to see my grandchildren again. She was a teenager before I became aware that a fourth granddaughter had been born when I saw her picture on Facebook. Strangely, she looked the most like me! My son is no longer married to this woman whose profession is that of a “social worker” and he suffers from posttraumatic stress disorder. Any wonder? This may seem hard-hearted, but I have concluded that not ever knowing my grandchildren is far less cruel than knowing them and then being denied access to them. Do you suppose that my grandchildren are going to wake up someday and realize that THEIR rights to their grandparent has been violated?