Click on the video to hear Crazy Dave and Goofy do some of their funny Halloween show, featuring kid callers from Iowa, Norway, and England! Another "extra spooky" episode will be posted soon!
You can also see this on the new Kids Radio Mania channel on YouTube where we'll be posting more of your favorite show segments from the past!
What are you doing for winter break? Kids Radio Mania DJs Collette and Georgia are playing on the ice rink in their back yard, while listening to of course! Tune in every day 5 a.m. to 5 p.m. central until January 3rd. Also 88.1 FM in Des Moines.
DJ Collette jumps for joy listening to today and celebrating Kids Radio Mania’s 21st birthday at a pool in Florida!
Our DJs Crosby and Collette celebrate Kids Radio’s 21st birthday today in Orlando Florida! They listen online by the pool at!
Kids Scream During Snow Day
Think you go crazy stuck inside during the week when there's snow & no Kids Radio on? Listen to how wound up our Kids Radio Mania DJs are! You might want to turn the volume down--you've been warned!
Crazy Dave talks about building unusual treehouses this weekend on Kids Radio Mania! Our DJs Collette, Crosby, and Georgia thought this was a giant treehouse--do you know what it is and can you find them in the picture? Listen at from 5 a.m. to 5 p.m. Saturday and Sunday!
WHO-TV 13 Story on Kids Radio Mania's Birthday Celebration!
Here's the WHO-TV story from our 10th anniversary party in 2011.
Make sure to check out the Happy Birthday announcement in the Milestones section of today's Des Moines Sunday Register or look for it online with all sort of photos! And keep listening to
Kids Radio Mania's Birthday Party
Crazy Dave and Goofy Gil start their show at the live 10th birthday party for Kids Radio Mania in 2011, from the Iowa Machine Shed Restaurant. You can also find the group singing Happy Birthday to Kids Radio on YouTube!
WHO-TV 13 reports on the big Kids Radio Mania 10th Anniversary party!
Happy 10th Birthday Kids Radio Mania! The crowd at the Iowa Machine Shed sing to celebrate the 10th anniversary of all-weekend broadcasts on KDPS radio!