NIGHT RIVER PRESS is a hands-on award-winning publisher committed to supporting both first-time and seasoned authors seeking professional services to bring their writing projects and stories to the world. Everyone has a story, and stories are what binds humanity together. Storytellers have been important figures throughout the ages in every society, preserving events and emotions and helping us un
derstand the meaning of our lives and the way in which we live. Whether the stories are of our experience, our knowledge, our dreams, or fantasies, they affirm who we are, what is important to us as individuals and a community, and provide a platform for connection and communication. To support our vision, Night River Press has created a wide variety of professional services and free resources for the self-publishing author. When working with Night River Press as your publisher, you own the copyright and all the rights to your book and our commitment is to shepherd you through the process. We are continually adding new information and invite you to set up a free consultation or contact us to let us know how we can better support you in bringing your story to print.