The many year arc of DPS Cinematic has been an organic and circuitous journey laced with chaos, serendipity, frustration, and moments of pure and utter magic. Originally dreamed up by DPS founder Stephan Drake, the spirit of the film series can't be summed up any better than in his own words:
"The whole thing has always been an attempt to reflect the unspeakable–– the immersion and transport into the 'whatever it Is’ that happens inside that space where snow, mountain, technique, body, and equipment all merge–– effectively unlocking a portal into another world. As we know, that special door doesn’t always open, but sometimes we get lucky... What we see on the other side is enough to change lives and shape characters."
For years, the bulk of the series was artfully crafted and executed by Ben Sturgulewski. Three years ago, we both went to Japan to shoot dual films on the same Cinematic trip- an idea, that at the time, I thought was pretty asinine. But as fate would have it, and in true Cinematic fashion, things worked out. Friendships were made, deep snow was found, and the series torch was more or less passed to me for the time being.
For the past three seasons, I have had the honor of shooting and directing many of the films. I think what I love most about the Cinematic aesthetic is that it has never been about the best skiers, the gnarliest lines and sickest tricks, or how many fat budget heli-dollars we can burn. Sure, there's been a couple helicopter rides here and there, but very few. ...actually, only one. In reality, the vast majority of the footage has been gained through skin tracks and heavy packs alone.
This past season was difficult. Interior BC experienced an unusually dry February. Many a day was spent touring endlessly searching for fresh snow and resulted in zero images shot. But no matter how difficult days get, I always come back to the truth that an opportunity to spend a day in the mountains with a small group of good people, searching for beautiful snow and calling it work, is about as good as it gets in this world.
But alas, all things must come to an end. This will be my last film in the DPS Cinematic series. It's truly been an honor to work with this crew and travel the globe searching for that elusive 'portal' found at the intersection of sport, art, and deep virgin snow.
So there you have it, we made one more short ski film."
-The Lonely Star-
Director / DP: Frank Pickell
Edit: Matt Wade
Color: Jonnie Sirotek
Executive Producers: Stephan Drake and Dan Benshoff
Featuring: Santiago Guzman, Piers Solomon, Zack Giffin
Many thanks to the series sponsors, partners, and friends who have all believed in the magic of DPS Cinematic.
Outdoor Research
Osprey Packs
Fat Tire
Revel Stoke Tourism
Mountain Baker
An ill-fated explorer finds himself marooned on a desolate planet. Alone with his thoughts, he is caught between a sandy reality and snowy hallucinations of winters…