It’s Vodka Day
I know I once said that calling yourself a "Vodka Expert" was like a writer confessing they pen children's books, but hey--there is a time and place for everything. Including vodka. And that time is today. Instead of hiding it in a cocktail, today let’s drink it the proper way, as our drunkard Slavic brethren do. That is, neat, chilled or not, and with Zakuski. What is Zakuski? The word literally means, “the thing you follow it with,” the “it” being vodka. These tidbits are eaten between each glass, and can be almost anything, from marinated mushrooms, spicy pickles, vegetables, fatty duck, bread, crackers, beef jerky, toothpaste, whatever. It’s a broad genre. Give it a try. It’s quite a nice way to get loaded. As illustrated in our rollicking interview with author Gary Shteyngart: https://drunkard.com/06_06_gary_shteyngart/
Top Vodka quotes:
"I believe that if life gives you lemons, you should make lemonade... And try to find somebody whose life has given them vodka, and have a party." --Ron White
"I have a punishing workout regimen. Every day I do 3 minutes on a treadmill, then I lie down, drink a glass of vodka and smoke a cigarette." --Anthony Hopkins
"Vodka is kind of a hobby." --Betty White
"Laugh whenever you can. Keeps you from killing yourself when things are bad. That and vodka." --Jim Butcher