An open discussion on the good and bad with Denver's gentrific...
As Denver's inner city and suburban neighborhoods gentrify all the good that comes with the change — increased property values, improved schools, more private and public investment in buildings and streets — is tempered by the bad: unaffordability and the displacement of lower income residents, some of whom have lived in these communities all their lives and helped develop the culture and character of the area.
Expected participants:
• Megan Schrader, columnist and editorial writer for The Denver Post
• Erik Soliván, executive director of Denver's Office of Housing and Opportunities for People Everywhere (HOPE)
• Stephen Moore, policy director for FRESC
• Candi CdeBaca, executive director Project VOYCE
• Jon Caldara, president of Independence Institute
• Dominique L. Acevedo, deputy director of Northeast Denver Housing Center Inc.
Servicios de traducción en español estarán disponibles // Spanish translation services will be available.
Cannabis Perspectives
In the language of 420, the high holidays are soon upon us. But should this April 20 be seen as a time of celebration for the cannabis-legalization movement, or a time of fear and activism?