The layout is up and running at a Salvation Army event today.
Mianne Lift Bridge - Entry Module
A short video of the Mianne Benchwork lift bridge / entry module. This was taken at the Eastern Division TCA's York Train Show, October 2019
Their website is:
This is the build-a-layout that was built by kids at the @Rocky Mountain Train Show and won by one of the great families that helped out.
Several weeks ago we posted pictures of the layout. Since the show my kids have added a few more douses of diluted glue to hold everying in place. They did this while other members of the club worked our layout.
The layout will be delivered or picked up in the next couple of weeks.
Trains at the Ronald McDonald House - Aurora, CO
We added the Mickey Mouse Christmas Express and other trains to the Ronald McDonald house in Aurora, CO
Holiday Trains for the Ronald McDonald House - Aurora, CO
We swithced out the Halloween Trains for Christmas Trains. The inner loop is waiting for me to find the Mickey Mouse Set from Lionel Trains. The Polar Express was donating by my family and the Christmas train on the top loop was donated by the Millers from Caboose Hobbies several years ago.
At the Rocky Mountain Train Show
We were set-up and running this weekend at the Rocky Mountain Train Show (which our club hosts :O ) Being the the co-chair of the layout and the show is one one reasons we are still lacking scenery.
Trains setup at the Ronald McDonald House, Aurora, CO
We finally got the upper loop running. One of the reasons it is noisy is that the modules are not mehanically connected. We just have to engage the roto-locks. Today was about electrical testing, next we lock down the modules and tweek and adjust track. Barry Bley you can now stopping bugging Chuck :)
Last corner of the upper loop is anchored. Next week will be securing the intermediate bents and continue wiring.
'Testing' the track
The cars making up the consist were donated by members of our club. They gave up the door prizes to help out the module team.
'Testing' the track
The cars making up the consist were donated by members of our club. They gave up the door prizes to help out the module team.