Being disciplined by God is uncomfortable but for our good. #BibleNuggets #wordsoftruth #positivevibes #dentoncounty #dentontx #wacotexas #waco #mclennancounty #positivemind #theWordofGod #lifepath #trendingreels #inthesecretplace #prayercloset #Hebrews #bibleverse #LoveGod #ObeyGod #TrustGod #TrustInTheLord #WorshipGod
Make the word of God your delight! #bible #nuggets #LoveGod #godquotes #dailyverse #dailybible #dentontexas #psalms119 #BibleChallenge #BibleNuggets
First United Bank - Denton South has graciously put Denton Freedom House as their local spotlight for the month. If you are ever inside their branch in Denton, please stop by our table!!
Happy Sunday! Ezra 7:10. #oldtestament #bibleverseoftheday #nuggets #BibleNuggets #SundayService #sundayfunday #restintheLord #study #Teach #practice #dentontx #dentoncounty #NASB
Devotional! Isaiah 17
John 21:15-17 Tend to the sheep. #Missionoftheway #SeekHim #missiontrip #showingGodslove
Happy National Day of Prayer 🙏🏾 #pray #NationalDayofPrayer #PrayforIsrael #prayforourcountry #prayforourleaders #prayforourchildren #prayforyourenemies #prayforyourfamily #quiettime
Happy Friday! #nuggets #TrustInGod #TrustInTheLord #BibleNuggets Lord grant me the patience to endure all my circumstances. #Amen
Restoration. #nuggets #devotional #Godhasaplan #repost #zeracoffee #logo