The Brother's Keeper Project
Share this with your family, friends, co-workers, in your groups, forums, IG's, EVERYWHERE!!
Let's give it a shot and see how much we can accomplish by working together! You might be surprised by the results you can create.
"You're Invited " Ep. 3
***We are LIVE this week on "You're Invited " Ep. 3!!! Featuring Grace Nori***
Come explore South Florida with as we share local events of local people.
Mon. 7pm - Høly River (Lobo Marino) - At JaiStar Studios with Høly River
Tue. 6:30pm - Conscious Connection & Breathwork - At Social House with Shine with Kimberly
Wed. 12pm - Inspired Action Luncheon - February - At Serenity Garden Tea House & Cafe with Women's Foundation of Florida & Women's Foundation of Palm Beach County
Wed. 5:30pm - Singles Business Network at New Prosperity Craft Beer & Wine Bar - At Prosperity Town Center with Florida Events
Thurs. 7:30pm - Community Kirtan with Mystic Mantra and Harold Henao - At Casa Mannabliss with Mystic Mantra Band
Fri. 4pm - VEGAN BREWS AND BBQ in West Palm Beach - At Accomplice Brewery & Ciderworks with Southern Fried Vegan
Fri. 8pm - Big Love Passion Vine Art Exhibit and Benefit Fundraiser - Passion Vine Farm with Brackin Michelle Camp
Sat. 12pm - ROARwithus: A Rally for Equality - At @Maximo Caminero Art Studio with TheUproar Project & Jai Tahlea Allen
All Weekend - Street Painting Festival Party at the Library - in Lake Ave. Lakeworth with Library at Lilo's
You're Invited Ep. 2
***This week "You're Invited" featuring Grace Nori***
Want to know what's going on in your community?? Watch this special Valentines edition of "You're Invited" of local events that will make 2 hearts collide or maybe a community of hearts! Watch to find out! Share with your love ones!
Mon. 7pm - Video Game Night and Mario Kart tournament - At The Brass Tap - Boynton Beach with Rekt Gamer Lounge
Tues. 6:45pm - Tropical Love Sailboat Seaglass Bottle Paint Night - At Saltwater Brewery with Mobile Masterpieces
Wed. 5:30pm - Meet, Greet & Discuss Delray - At Seed Workspace with Debra Tendrich for Delray Beach City Commission, Seat 2
Wed. 5:30pm - Mindfulness & Meditation in Nature - At Delray Beach Children's Garden with High Vibe Tools
Wed. 7pm - Pole Tribe w/ LaVander Archer - At The Cultured Rose Creative House with LaVander Archer
Thurs. 6pm - Be Your Own Valentine Party - At Body 20 Mizner
Thurs. 7pm - DIY Love Scrubs- Essential Oil Scrub Class w/ Jesicca Aloha - At Metaphysical Healing Institute of Palm Beach
Fri. 6:30pm - Valentine's Day Healing for Self Lovers - At Gratitude Training with Tasnova Sanjana Hossain
Fri. 6:30pm - Partner Stretching Workshop - At The Sol Oasis Boynton Beach Yoga Spa Healing Arts Center with Umbayi Moret Ledee
Fri. Sat. Sun 12pm - 45th Annual Greek Festival - West Palm Beach GreekFest 2020 with Greek Food & Wine Fest WPB
Your Weekly E-vite
***New Weekly Video featuring Grace Nori***
Want to know what's going on in your community?? Watch this video and check out local events that may peak your interest this week!
Tue. 8pm - Perfect Vision In 2020 - Facebook Live with Corey Kubber
Wed. 7pm - Free Breathwork and Meditation - At Urban Namaste with Francine Rahe & Benicio Farina Breathwork and Relationship Coach
Fri. 5pm - Art After Dark: January 31 - At Norton Museum of Art featuring various and music performance by Suzi Analogue
Fri. 6pm - Love is My Medicine Fest - At Casa Mannabliss with Johan Danno
Sat. 7:15pm -FREE FLOW STUDIO MOKSHA HOUSE GRAND OPENING EXTRAVAGANZA - Free Flow Studio Moksha House with Madi Ffsmh & Robert Sinn
Full moon: What matters to you? What do you want in life feat. Moments Massage Therapy & Sunny Arfa
Cut the bullsh*t and let's get real featuring Grace Nori
Good Day South Florida!!🌞 Grocery delivery service is becoming more and more popular saving you money💵, time🕐, gas⛽, and stress🧘♂️! Start shopping🛒 now the SoFlo way by clicking below. No unnecessary delivery waits when all products come from within your community! Sign-up today✔️ and let's get shopping!!
Let's get started!
1. Follow the link to begin and submit a grocery list:
2. Complete the form to it's entirety and be as specific as possible
3. Click "Place Order" and follow the email instructions
4. Sit back, relax, and wait for the goods!
My favorite Italian Greyhound, Daisy and I, out for an evening stroll.
#SoFloGuy #MakeItEZ #Petsitter #walkingthedog #italiangreyhound #dogs #pets #loveworkingwithanimals #PersonalAssistant #DelrayBeach #SouthFlorida #Concierge #DelrayPetSitter #smallbusiness #entrepreneurlife #sweetlife
Building very personable relationships with my clients is so rewarding that sometimes its like you're part of the family. Was happy to have taken part of this Hanukkah tradition with my client!
#SoFloGuy #MakeItEZ #happyhanukkah #lightingofthemenorah #lovemyclients #PersonalAssistant #DelrayBeach #Concierge #culture #Petsitter #jewishtradition #smallbusiness #entrepreneurlife #sweetlife
"Clapper Man"
Being a personal assistant has no bounds! I had fun and the pleasure of building sets, backdrops, and even being the "Clapper Man" for MovingMovements-Productions. The diversity of my service never stops and growing great clientele that I can enjoy is always the best part. Thank you #MMP for your business and creation!
Happy Halloween! Work never stops and neither does the fun!
#SoFloGuy #MakeItEZ #Petsitter #HaveFunWorking #halloween #trickortreat #SouthFlorida #DelrayPetSitter #DelrayBeach #entrepreneurlife #smallbusiness #sweetlife #PersonalAssistant #Concierge