A message from Robin Artisson:
"This is an announcement I've been waiting a long time to make- and the good day has come! Serpent Hall is welcoming its first guest instructor, and it is my pleasure to introduce him to all of you, and say a bit about what class he will be teaching as one of our Occult Studies/Elective courses.
Mr. Shea Bilé, a scholar (M.A. Philosophy), author, lecturer, musician, ritual performance artist, and devotee of the Left Hand Path for these last 25 years, is joining us in the Fall for his first large-scale online course offering ever. Shea has many other accolades to his name and (I urge you to check out his bio at Serpent Hall), but I'm also honored to counted by him as his friend and spiritual colleague, as well.
On November 7th of this year, Shea's course "The Fire and the Wine: The History, Philosophy, and Rites of Satanism, Luciferianism, and the Left Hand Path" will be starting at Serpent Hall. The course registration is open right now, and will remain open for a week after the course begins.
Traditionally, I talk about his course now and tell you a bit more about him, but I'm going to go off-script and say a few other things first. When I met Shea Bilé, I had only heard that he was some kind of rogue mystic/LHP guy, and when I met him it was the beginning of an impactful relationship, one that helped me to see a broader perspective on certain things.
It really helps that Shea has this charismatic, intelligent, nigh-on fiendish energy about him, which brightens places that he happens to be. I had never thought overly much on Left Hand Path concerns, and I admit I had a less than positive attitude about the whole movement for a long time.
Shea brought a refreshingly real and authentic perspective to all of that. I remember so many moments, before and after we were in our cups, that Shea shared some insight he had gained from an important (and sometimes hard) experience, but what he shared was not just thought-provoking; it was obvious that his spiritual journeys and adventures had delivered him to a place of real wisdom, displayed in how he understood and communicated things.
I also got to stand in ritual experiences with Shea, and that same energy of his filled the room, and set potent tones for everything. I liked Shea for many reasons, but I think the biggest reason was that, even after he was departed back to his home a few hours south of here, things he said while we were all together became things I thought about for days or weeks after. Some things I still do think about. I like impactful, real people.
* * *
The Left Hand Path is a complex spiritual, philosophical, and social movement. People who have studied the history of Western occultism often recognize the iconic founding fathers and mothers of the modern LHP, but its roots go much deeper into history. Some people flinch away from the perceived overt "darkness" of the LHP, but the reality is not what most people expect.
The Left Hand Path has a history that connects it to important persons, powers, ideas, and places. And whether the mainstream of our society likes it or not, the Luciferian underbelly of our history is another chapter of who and what our culture was, what it is, and what it will become. The Left Hand Path has its scholars, its saints, its masters, its jesters, and its luminaries, and this cannot be ignored or buried under the shallowness of modernity.
I have long been something of the cultural heretic myself, in a sometimes profound (and often idiosyncratic) way. What Shea helped me to see was how the well of LHP spiritual heresy and philosophy contained a lot of valuable perspectives and practical achievements, things that give some of its adherents real strength in life. Shea himself is a living example of the kind of strength and energy the Left Hand Path can provide: he has lived a successful and adventurous life, and if the Good Fates be kind, he's got a lot of years left to keep adventuring.
In my Upon the Rood Day course, I go into great detail into the mythical icon of the Serpent. I talk at length about the existence of a theoretical prehistoric God of wisdom and cunning, and how that God may have become reduced, in the Genesis account, to the figure of the sorcerous and subtle serpent of the Garden of Eden. I talk about Witchcraft in connection to the image of the Serpent, and what that might mean for many lost chapters of our history.
It is in the icon of the Serpent that the real spiritual vision of the Left Hand Path "meets" with the historically-dreaded arts of Witchcraft. From the figure of the Wise Serpent, Satan, Shaitan, and the Theological Devil of Western and Eastern Christianity arises, in the most familiar forms that people know (and often dread) today. The Left Hand Path transmission of heretical wisdom-gaining studies and practices is a branch from this same ancient serpentine root. It has philosophical roots that go back centuries; it is not merely the offspring of modern antinomian thinkers or writers.
All genuine Witches, in my view, are spiritually Children of the Old Serpent; Shea Bilé, and LHP stalwarts like him, are another branch of that same Serpent-Wise family, who speak in a different but still compelling language to those able to perceive the different shapes that wisdom might assume.
Even those of us whose interests run more to the Traditional Witchcraft side of history and practice will certainly find a lot of valuable life perspectives and inspiration in what Shea has to share. And he's not just teaching philosophy! Shea is an accomplished ritualist who will be discussing the practical matters of ritual expression.
Shea is now here, at Serpent Hall, to give anyone who attends his fantastic 18-week long lecture series a privileged view into the real spiritual depths of the Left Hand Path. His course is 18 video lectures, 3 live Q&A sessions, with tons of other course-adjacent materials, PDF's, and as always, with this course comes an invitation into the online discussion forums we create to bring students together into a mutually supportive and information-sharing spaces. "The Fire and the Wine" will have its own dedicated spaces for students.
Check out Shea Bilé on Instagram and be watching our usual announcement spaces for more information about his course, and other Serpent Hall news."