Light anomaly caught on camera. I slowed the speed down (this footage is the slowed down version) so that I could see if it was a bug. Pretty cold in this area for bugs right now. Not sure what it is, but it is not an orb. Tons of them on this camera footage.
Flashlight manipulation
With all the EMF activity, we dicided to place a flashlight near the EMF meter and we asked the spirit to turn the flashlight on. It didn't take long. EMF meter continues to spike.
hide and seek
We had a lot of EMF activity in the kitchen. We decided to play a little hide and seek with spirit to see if we could get a reaction. We moved the EMF meter to a top cupboard shelf and then closed the glass door of the cupboard. The following happened.
We had a lot of EMF activity. There was nothing near the meter to activate it. We set a ball near the meter to see if the spirit affecting the meter would move the ball. Nothing happened. I asked if the spirit was a girl, and would rather play with a doll. The following reaction was captured.
Rap response
Spring Grove, Minnesota house. Great rap repsonse to investigator asking for knock.
Light anomaly
Light anomaly captured in a residence in Spring Grove, MN.
EVP reference boy
EVP captured in Dyersville Library. Reference to a boy. Some hear; "Thats my boy", othes "help the boy".
Odd laughter
Laughter cause during Spirit Box session. Dyersville Library investigation
Unexplained tapping
Schoolhouse tapping. Forward through video to about the 45 second mark. Investigator alone in the room.
I'm not one to post orb activity, but this is just a clip from last night's investigation. Baseboard heat, no AC, no vents, or fans blowing. Not claiming its ghosts, just unusual activity.
Great quick rapping response. I was sitting still on the floor in a bedroom. Response was made very close to where I was.
EMF detector setting by me. Suddenly starts lighting up. Baseline already taken. Nothing near it to explain it activating.