DCTV (Comcast Channel 23) provides an avenue for DeKalb County government to speak directly to the more than 700,000 citizens in the county. All DCTV programming focuses specifically on showcasing the events, programs, services, and activities that positively impact the lives of DeKalb County residents, employees, and visitors. DCTV is a fully-programmed, 24-hour, government access, cable channel
available to all Comcast cable subscribers in DeKalb County. To view DCTV’s broadcast on the Internet, visit the county’s homepage, www.dekalbcountyga.gov, and click on the “DCTV Quick Link” to get to the “DCTV Live Stream” link. Various DCTV programming is also available on the Internet through YouTube. Search for “DeKalbCountyGov” or go directly to: www.youtube.com/user/DeKalbCountyGov. DCTV captures Board of Commissioners’ regularly scheduled committee meetings (Public Works & Infrastructure [PWI]; Employee Relations & Community Services [ERCS]; Finance, Audit, & Budget [FAB]; Planning & Economic Development [PED]; and County Operations & Public Safety [COPS]) and offers a live stream of those meetings on the Internet through USTREAM. The USTREAM “channel” also provides access to archived videos of these BOC committee meetings. The USTREAM service can be found at: www.ustream.tv/channel/DCTV-Channel-23. DeKalb County Television offers the ability to have certain events (following approval by the Director) air on its station. To request DCTV services, an easy-to-use Request Form can be found on the DCTV Web page at: www.dekalbcountyga.gov/dctv/pdf/dctvrequestform.pdf.