Prophetess Momma Flo Tuesday Inspirational Vitamin of The Day-March 10th, 2020
Good Morning Tuesday Fast Team, Prayer Warriors, and Intercessors! Whoever is reading this right now and you were the one or ones that thought you wasn’t going to see this day or make it to this day, March 10th, 2020, You Made It! God said to tell you, you will make it again and again. God said he’s the Higher Power and he’s (Dictating) your Future! God has given me several important things in visions, and in dreams but today I will release three of them to you today. The first one is the word (Antibodies). definition of (Antibodies) is this: also known as immunoglobulins, are Y-shaped proteins that are produced by the immune system to help stop intruders from harming the body. When an intruder enters the body, the immune system springs into action. These invaders, which are called antigens, can be viruses, bacteria, or other chemicals. God said for the ones who are experiencing a setback with your immune system and your good cells have diminished he’s restoring them. God said you are in your (Hezekiah Season) because you have been Faithful and Obedient to your calling. God said he’s going to prosper you and recreate (New Antibodies) in your body. God said to tell you that you are still on a major assignment for his Kingdom and keep on living with purpose! Next, God showed me a vision of someone trying to back up in a parking space. The person kept trying over and over to back up in this parking space. God said this represents his children who continues to go backwards in their lives. God said every time you choose to go backwards in your life, you are going to feel insignificant (meaningless, unimportant, and worthless). God said that is not who you are, but you have accepted it in your heart, and you must free yourself from that spirit, by moving forwards and not backwards in this season. God said you should be tired now, and you must Stop blaming others for your
Prophetess Momma Flo Tuesday Inspirational Vitamin of The Day
March 3, 2020
Good Morning Tuesday Fast Team and Prayer Warriors! God said I must release this word first because the severity of a situation: Toxic. The definition of toxic is the following: Poisonous, venomous, dangerous, destructive, harmful, unsafe, injurious, fatal, and lethal. God said whoever you are that is dealing with a toxic situation, today is the day you must walk away from it, release it, and let it go. Here are the rest of the visions and dreams I must share with you. Last week God showed me this vision on three separate occasions. I saw a medium size gift bag lying open on its right-side full of papers. God said some will be receiving some unexpected blessings this season! These unexpected blessings will come in several ways; some will be openly given to you, some will be delivered by mail, some will be honor, certifications, awards, and so much more is in store for you on God’s List. The next set of words, “Set The Tone.” God said some of you are setting the tone in 2020, and ongoing. God said you are setting the atmosphere for a great move of his Anointing. God said you have been openly, available, and seeking him for your NEW! You were criticized, talked about, lied on, and misunderstood. God said he has, “Set The Tone, inside of you for a New Hunger that you haven’t experienced before. God said you will see New Breakthroughs for people who are building his Kingdom, like you are. God said he has Released a FRESH ANOINTING ON YOU TODAY! God said he Shifted the Atmosphere just for you because of your obedience. God said some of you have reached that place of (Triple). God said some of you encountered back to back trials in your past three seasons. God said this is how your Abundance, Overflow, and Healing is going to take place! The next word is (Suffocate). The definition of (Suffocate), is to have or cause to have difficulty in breathing, or the lack of air, or the inability
Prophetess Momma Flo Tuesday Inspirational Vitamin of The Day
February 25, 2020
Good Morning Tuesday Fast Team and Prayer Warriors! God said there's a (New Reset) taking place. Some of you that felt forsaken, will feel the Spirit of Recovery. For the ones who thought they were lost for good, you will find yourself back on your post, and on track. Some of you that were stabbed in the back will be vindicated. God said his children is his main priority this season, and he will fight for them and today he is declaring a (New Victory) is headed your way. The New Victory has already been placed in your path. God said on your (New Path) Called (Strait), you will have (New Encounters) of The Holy Spirit. God said the ones that have been blocking and placing hindrances in your path will be blocked and then removed. God said the Sadducee's, the people that were on your path teaching against his doctrine and against you will be silenced, because he must save a dying nation that are in (Sin) before it's too late. God said whoever you are that continues to practice divisions amongst your Brothers and Sisters In Christ, (No More Excuses). Repent The Kingdom of God Is At Hand! Lastly, God said to share this with you. God gave me the word (Mynute), and he pronounced it that way. Mynute was derived from the word (Minute). The definitions are; extremely small, of minor importance, and insignificant. God said this is for the ones who have found themselves in a meaningless place in Christ, and in your life. You feel like the church has abandoned you, you feel that you are unimportant, and you feel like you are being attacked on every side. God said a (New Platform) is coming to you, and you must open the doors of your mind, heart, and spirit to receive it. God said he’s downloading (New Resources) into your Spirit Man, and you will seek him like never before. The seeking is going to (Invent) something (New Inside) of you. God said his Manifestation in your life that you so long wait
Prophetess Momma Flo Tuesday Inspirational Vitamin of The Day
February 18, 2020
Good Morning Tuesday Fast Team and Prayer Warriors! God said some are in an involuntary state of mind today. Some woke up with fear, some with doubt, some with embedded hate against someone, some with suicidal thoughts, some are in a revengeful state of mind and is planning an attack on someone, and the list goes on. God said today you can bind this involuntary state of mind that you are in by (Repenting First). God said (True Repentance) will help you break that Chain. God said some of you have Left your First Love, and that love is living for him. Remember, Revelation 2:5-Remember therefore from whence thou are fallen, and repent, and do the first works; for else I will come unto thee quickly, and will remove thy candlestick out of his place, except thou repent. God said some have found themselves in a place of deep hurt from some so-called friends that you thought would be there for you since you lost your substance, and you are in an unexplainable condition. God said you must go back to Proverbs 17:17- “A friend loveth at all times, and a brother is born for adversity.” God said he is your real friend, but you stopped leaning and depending on him. You changed towards him, and you started to be mindful of man. God said he has never stopped loving you, and he has not or did not walk away from you. You have lost your (Belief System), and you must find it again in order to survive the many obstacles, setbacks, and delays you will face in this life. God said that spirit of (Rejection) that you are feeling and holding onto is your own doing, and you must let it go. Psalm 8:4-What is Man, that thou art mindful of him? God said you must realize that all of us was born for adversity. God said just as you are going through your trial and tribulation seasons, so or others near and far. God said the key to survival is being there for others when they go through their sufferings. Learn how
"Prophetess Momma Flo Inspirational Vitamin of The Day"
Good Morning Fast Team and Prayer Warriors! Three days ago God spoke these Words to me in a dream, “Our Bishops Are Mourning.” God sent me a Powerful Mandate to all Prayer Warriors, Prayer Partners, and Intercessors near and far. God said to add the name (Bishops) to your daily prayer schedules, and times. God said Bishops are being attacked and he needs us to come together as a unified body to Pray for Our Bishops. Pray a covering prayer over their lives, protection, peace, strength, and pray that the hurt and pain they have dealt with be relinquished. Next, while praying in a posture of prayer before the Lord, God showed me a vision of a person dragging a chair across a floor. They dragged the chair to a table, but strangely they did not face the chair towards the table, instead they turned the chair around in the opposite position facing out, and they sat down in it. God said this vision represents the people who are in bondage again. God said you let the old you come back again, and now you are going backwards with your walk with him.
God said your insecurities has taken a toll on you. God said you cannot (Dip and Dab) with worldly things, and be effective in your walk with him. God said you have become confused again, but this time it is worse, because you have placed man before him. God said you have connected yourself to a new pack of people, and that was your doing, and not his. God said it is not going to last, and there will be no benefits involved for you, only hurt. God said reconnect with him again, and eat the good of the land. Enjoy your peace again, and not oppression, regain your power and strength and not live in a state of depression and hopelessness. The Joy of the Lord is your strength!
Your Scriptures for today are coming from the chapters of Isaiah 1, Matthew 24, & Philippians 3. Prophetess Momma Flo Tuesday Inspirational Vitamin of The Day! Be Blessed!! Please list
"Prophetess Momma Flo Inspirational Vitamin of The Day"
February 4th, 2020. Good Morning Tuesday Fast Team and Prayer Warriors! This 2020, New Year that God has let us see has been phenomenal! Every time we can wake up and breathe his Fresh Air, we are blessed! Miracles, Signs, and Wonders are taking place! Thanking You Lord for Healing, Breakthroughs, Promotions, New Homes, Raises, New Jobs, Financial Increases, and so much more are in Full Effect! I am so glad to be in this place to witness them! God said today he is releasing more #GoldNuggets! God said your first Gold Nugget is the Word (Allocate). Allocate definitions: Distribute, Assign, Issue, Award, Administer. God said their are some on his list that are entitled to compensation that was held up, it will be released at an unexpected time. God said he is reassigning positions to the ones who has earned it and deserves it! God said he is setting up Distribution Centers of his Glory for the ones who asked for more of his Anointing. God said he is distributing a whole new wave that going to hit your Ministry Purpose and Calling. Business will not be usual for you. You will have New Tongues, Experience unique Visions and you will have dreams that are going to heighten your Anointing! God said a New Revival is going to breakout in some! God said you will have a New Fire! God said some of you have been on (His Honor Roll), and you are being (Advanced) to a New Level In Him! God said the things that you did not understand before will become concise and clear. God said he is sending some of you New Connections! Open Doors, and Traveling Assignments are on the way. God just gave me the Word (Business Proposal). Whoever, this is for, you must be open to the change. Lastly, God showed me a vision of a young man that I had never seen before and he looked to be between the ages of 30-40. This young man had his head tilted back, and tears were flowing down the left-side of his face. The way the young man was positioned,
Prophetess Momma Flo Tuesday Inspirational Vitamin of The day
January 28th, 2020
Good Morning Tuesday Fast Team and Prayer Warriors! Revelations 3:20-Behold, I stand at the door, and knock: if any man hear my voice, and open the door, I will come into him, and I will sup with him, and he with me. Hebrews 3:15- “While it is said, Today, if you would hear his voice, harden not your hearts, as in the provocation. On January 23, 2020, I was awakened by rapid knocking, but the knocks were in intervals. The knocking was fast, and then it would completely stop and start back up. I jumped out of my bed to see where the knocking was coming from, but I soon realized that it was symbolic knocking from the Lord. Then he spoke these Words to me, “Sycamore Tree.” God said the scriptures, the knocking, and the Sycamore Tree are all related. The story of a Biblical character name (Zacchaeus), was a chief tax collector and he was wealthy. Zacchaeus heard that Jesus was coming near his way, but he was a short man in size, and he decided to climb a Sycamore Tree to see him. Jesus arrived at the spot where Zacchaeus was in the Sycamore Tree, and Jesus looked up in the tree, and said to Zacchaeus, come down immediately. Zacchaeus obeyed and came down and started repenting to the Lord of his sins. God said he is calling sinners to repentance today and your stature is not on his radar, but Eternal Life is. God said he is also calling backsliders back to him today. God said some of you have heard the (Knocks), but you continue to be in denial. God said he does not care how big your sin is, but he cares about your soul, and where will you spend Eternity. God said you were called to help bring lost souls to his Kingdom, because many are on a path of destruction. Next, God gave me the word, (Chaos), and after he release the word Chaos to me, I heard someone with a beautiful voice singing these lyrics: There’s Nothing Like The Blood, There’s Nothing like the Blood. God said whoever
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